The Golden age

3 months ago

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The golden age

Prophetic word
22th of November 2024 22.38
Written by Mette Mirani Sternkopf

The golden age is coming to the Remnants of God.

Warrior Bride rise and take your authority! Incline your eyes and ears to Me so I can teach you to rule and reign with Me.

You will advance in My Kingdom in seven dimensions.

Be Kingdom minded in everything you do.

My Kingdom come and My will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

My Kingdom is not what you are thinking.

Dimension and realms will be open for you to go in and out because you are seeking My will like Enoch, My servant.

I Am expanding the way you are moving in the Spirit.

The Remnants are moving like a military unit. Because this is My Kingdom army.

Those who are moving in the Spirit will know when to go or when to stay.

My Kingdom is not what many think. My glory will fill the whole Earth

Matt. 6:9-13
Habakkuk 2:14
Psalm 72:19
Jer. 23:24

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