Stay Tuned for Christmas

3 months ago

On this first day of Advent, Pastor Ruth reminds us of what is really important and what we need to focus on during Advent. Christmas is so much more than celebrating Christ's first coming, it is a time to remember that He will be coming again. We need to live in the constant anticipation of Christ's second coming and take this time to share with others and to make sure we are ready for His return. Advent is a season of waiting, but it is not a passive waiting. It is active, it is alert, and it is full of hope. We do not know when Christ will return but we can be ready. As we prepare for Christmas in all the busyness and chaos that it can bring, make sure to take time - better yet, MAKE TIME to spend with the reason for the season and to share that Good News with everyone we meet. Do not be afraid to say “Merry Christmas” because it is a time to be merry and Christmas is the holiday we celebrate!

Mark 13: 24-37

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