Victor Davis Hanson: "Something Big Is Coming, And No One Is Talking About It..."

1 month ago

Has the Left Become the New Confederacy?

Victor Davis Hanson dives into the unsettling parallels between modern progressivism and the neo-Confederate mindset. From racial essentialism to selective law enforcement, he uncovers how the progressive movement echoes the old South's economic and social hierarchy—a small elite controlling wealth and power while the middle class vanishes.

Hanson doesn't shy away from analyzing the relentless efforts to dismantle Donald Trump—from legal challenges to media smear campaigns—all in the name of preserving a broken system. He asks a provocative question: Is this revolutionary fervor driven by moral superiority or a desperate bid to control dissent?

This video challenges the audience to reflect on the state of democracy, equality, and freedom in an increasingly divided America.

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