Banking & bankruptcy: The Solution

1 month ago

When banks, as 3rd party middle"men" in trade like: East India Trading Company, stock markets, & treasuries/issuers of currencies, inner City of London, INC., Vatican City, become greedy with interest charges(rent) for $ creation out-of-thin air, mortgages with only you as the signing asset & "hidden" fees & word plays, corruption, & liars with their "figures" & indebtedness: civilization is no longer elevating but is in a process of degeneration. When a tipping point is reached regarding these facts & figures: bankruptcies throughout the land, sea, & corporate-2-dimensional contract-world increase to the point that our supply chain of tradable goods & services collapses & civilization as a whole completely collapses.=Meaning we ALL are in unchartered chaos regardless of political party contracts or religious beliefs. Labelling this writer or writing as speculative, a conspiracy, or a 'Nut-job' is merely allowing soft-censorship or elimination entirely of the facts---unlearned or learned---from our history, archeology, mathematics, science, ecology, health, weather warfare & other cycles in nature.
Duncan Phelps, sovereign & candidate for unincorporated/decentralized Presidential election of 2025 for the Union of States

United States Inc. Liquidation Status: not liquidated (are they merely rolled-over/renamed*/re-invented/re-chartered?): ____

Example of the many conflicting reports compared to the previous:
RFK Jr. explains in 3 minutes The Ukraine War for profit:
* This sounds like & is legal/lawyer talk reminiscent of what I learned from the 258 page 1912 Pujo Committee Hearings on Banking and Currency (This was spear-headed in 1911 by Congressman Charles Lindbergh)
My 50 min. video posted 10/7/'24 on Right-of-Way Trust from lesson #2 10/23/'21 : That the "money Trust" in Railway Charters & more importantly the Right-of-Ways (includes regarding the private owner-ship of "King's" highways & City of London, INC's greater world GRID=[see] recent Federal Real I.D. Act) & re-issuance or mergers of contracts after bankruptcies was so thoroughly convoluted that after 10 months of study by 11+ workers they were unable to find who was liable for converting Public property/Right-of-Ways to privately owned-by-a-few corporations.
Coincidence? The Federal Reserve Act was passed on Christmas Eve eve of 1913 when few Congressmen were present as a "promised" solution to these super 'controlling private Trusts.' As usual regarding lawyer terms, Agencies, & Executive Acts, this was in actuality MORE debt for the public & control over them!
Conclusion: If it works for a Deep State incorporated Cabal once, use this fraud again & again until it is lawfully formally objected to by a body such as the recorded & published, re-seated 50 State-wide American State National Assembly.

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