The World at War 19311941 1942

2 months ago

Reel 1, shows the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the resultant damage. Pres. Roosevelt delivers his war message to Congress. Presents sentiments prior to the war: Wendell Willkie speaks for one world; German Bundists meet in Madison Square Garden; laborers fight at various strikes. Japanese troops invade Manchuria and China. Shows Ambassador Shigemitsu. Reel 2 shows a League of Nations meeting and, later, Japan's delegates leaving after resigning. Japanese troops enter Shanghai. Shows fighting in China and a Japanese air raid. Shows peaceful Japanese scenes and ceremonies at a baseball game. Hirohito reviews troops. Mussolini addresses a throng; Italy invades Ethiopia; Haile Selassi rallies his people. An Italian representative speaks in Japan. Germany marches into Austria (Mar. 1938). Reel 3 shows fighting and destruction during the Spanish Civil War. Daladier, Chamberlain, Mussolini, and Hitler sign the Munich Pact. German troops are greeted in the Sudeten; troops march into Prague and invade Albania. Hitler, addressing the Reichstag, ridicules Roosevelt's appeal for peace. Hitler confers with Goring, and von Ribbentrop meets with Russian diplomats to negotiate the Moscow Pact. Contrasts Poland's military power with that of Germany, showing German pictures of aerial attacks. Reel 4 shows war-torn Poland: Warsaw is bombed, evacuated, and burned. Hitler reviews his troops. French troops man the Maginot Line. Norway, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium are invaded. German films show the power of the army: big guns, mechanized equipment, paratroops, etc. Dutch refugees clog roads; Rotterdam burns. Reel 5 shows scenes of the Belgium campaign and of the evacuation of Allied troops at Dunkirk. Reel 6 shows scenes of the French campaign, including the evacuation of children from Paris and the formal surrender. Britain is attacked: ships are sunk; London, Plymouth, and Coventry suffer bombings; Churchill rallies his people; Malta is bombed; troops fight in Egypt. HaileSelassi is restored. Reel 7 shows Italian prisoners in Libya. Shows activities in Russia: Stalin confers with citizens, wheat is harvested, factories produce, soldiers and citizens gear to war. Shows Gen. MacArthur in the Philippines and in Australia. Pres. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act, U.S. industry turns out materiel of war, and military developments are increased in a total war campaign.

Creator(s): Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. (12/17/1942 - 09/15/1945) (Most Recent)

Series : Propaganda, Information, and Documentary Motion Pictures, compiled ca. 1942 - 1945, documenting the period 1918 - 1945
Record Group 208: Records of the Office of War Information, 1926 - 1951

Production Date: 1942

General Note(s): Credits: Producer and writer, Samuel Spewack; narrator, Paul Stewart; editor, Gene Milford.
Contributor: Producer, Office of War Information. Distributed by the War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry.

Use Restriction(s): Undetermined

Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email:

National Archives Identifier: 38726
Local Identifier: 208.145

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