Genius Discovers How To Access Information From The Field (Mind Blowing!)

3 months ago

Speaker: Michael Persinger

Michael A. Persinger (June 26, 1945 – August 14, 2018) was an American-Canadian professor of psychology at Laurentian University, where he served from 1971 until his passing in 2018. Renowned for his bold hypotheses, Persinger explored the intersection of neuroscience, physics, and universal phenomena. His groundbreaking theories linked the temporal lobes of the brain to mystical experiences, subtle geomagnetic changes to parapsychological events, and tectonic strain to luminous phenomena often mistaken for unidentified aerial objects.

Persinger’s research delved into the effects of electromagnetic fields on biological organisms, temporal lobe functions, biophotons, and geophysical-human interactions. He also investigated low-probability phenomena like time travel, parallel universes, and the universe as a simulation. With over 500 technical articles, seven books, and numerous chapters to his name, Persinger sought to demonstrate that all experiences—including consciousness and spiritual phenomena—could be explained through universal physical mechanisms.


This video highlights one of Persinger's most intriguing experiments: accessing information at a distance using the Earth's magnetic field. By stimulating the right hemisphere’s occipital lobe and leveraging EEG technology, Persinger theorized a revolutionary method of information transfer. He likened this emerging technology to the early telephone—an innovation with the potential to transform human communication and understanding if given the attention it deserves.


00:00 - Can The Ability To Access Information at a Distance Be Trained?
01:05 - The REAL Human Brain
02:15 - Transferring Information Through Dreams (Theta)
04:00 - The Earths Magnetic Field (Schumann Resonance)
05:20 - The Most Intense Phenomena (God Helmet Brain To Brain Information Transfer)
08:35 - Are We All Connected? (Accessing The Akashic Records)
11:11 - The Science of Accessing Information at a Distance
12:20 - Quantum Entanglement (Photons Generated In Brain, Emitted From Retina)
13:40 - The Modern Communication System
14:45 - Knowledge Is The Ultimate Power


Link to Full Talk:
• Michael Persinger on No More Secrets

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