CNN Labels Scott Presler A 'Provocateur' And 'Controversial' But Won't Say Why

4 months ago

Posted • November 27, 2024: It seems a bit unfair to label a regular American this way and not explain why. -- ThePersistence @ScottPresler: “Here’s the hit piece CNN did on me. How is registering voters “controversial”? I must be doing something right.” -- Shouldn't CNN give some reason for tagging Presler with this pejorative? CNN labels Presler "controversial" in chyron but doesn't explain why at any point during this segment. They have the Vice News voiceover but never explain this label throughout the entire segment. Look at Scott Presler ! Getting cnn's knockers twisted! This is just another way to verify that Scott is doing good things and making a positive difference in the world. Well done, sir! Basically, he's 'controversial' because he is helping the GOP win. Honestly, it's surprising they haven't tried to have him arrested yet. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - CNN Labels Scott Presler a 'Provocateur' and 'Controversial' but Won't Say Why
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