Mike Obama - Michael LeVaughn Robinson

1 month ago

Please wake up people. Whilst there are genuine cases of Transgender, often cause by genetic experimentation programs involving vaccines, big pharma drugs etc., the deep-state which included Hollywood, and the mockingbird media, are extremely satanic and Baphomet is what drives them to transgenderism and often from birth or in-utero. The reason why they do this is because the satanic scumbags see it as a spit in the eye of God's creation of life, hence they invert what God created. I am quite sure uncoerced decisions of ordinary people to be transgender/transvestite are ok in the eyes of God, but the media steer narratives, and even Soya has been linked to altering hormones. The hidden agenda was a precursor to the satanic world that was driving it. Many good people today are transgender or transvestites because their bodies have been targeted over many years. The DARPA projects over the past 75 years are spine-chilling. So we must learn to not attack good people who are victims, but focus our anger on the demonic entities who like the Obama's are behind hideous acts that will soon be revealed.

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