We haven't played in a 'Fortnite', ya see what I did there? Dad joke that Bee itch.

2 months ago

We are Kanye West-ing this, ya know? "Kayne West is on quest to do his best." You've heard of that right?

Anyway, join us as we try to Fortnite with the best of them (that phrase is used very loosely)

Dillon holds us back from playing with the big boys. (ranked matching)

Lance makes epics statements and loves ROBLOX, it's almost like he's promoting something or a channel...

Levi apparently stacks his k*ll count, goes from 7 to 100 in like faster than a Porche on a test runway.

Tenn can't snipe, use a shotty, really a brawler type player. Some say the heart of the team.

Stick with us folks as we attempt to transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Grind on, get them Benji's

[Outro-10-EP.wav by Snapper4298 -- https://freesound.org/s/473143/ -- License: Attribution 4.0]

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