1 month ago

Mix N Match Reading
00:00 - Introduction
00:24 - The Weather - Recharge - to change.....the floods... hardship.... hardship... in the long run it's a good thing as I have a victory card so hopefully something changes and it should end.
04:33 - Go woke go Broke - Boots and Jaguar.Tv Ads.
05:28 - Sorry my daughter likes burning her food : )
07:30 - Are our old institutions going? I think with the 6 of pentacles we will go back to first hand service... shop keepers! I also think they have shut down independant shops with 9 of pentacles which went quiet, (hermit), so don't lament on what was as I feel this is a way to bring about a I think there will be money and it will go back to the way it used to be! Hands on service (6 of pentacles).... meditate and wait on a decision?
11:30 - Back to F camps (Mary asked this back on the Q&A's and then gave me more info on Hurricane Helene which I don't want to discuss)... but I can talk about Michigan instead... 7 of cups is a fearful card... no doubt, but I do think it will be turned around completely so hang on in there.
16:10 - Media step downs .
18:20 - Labour - reducing the mental health benefits and dissablity health benefits. I wonder if the Page of Swords is the PETITION going around that stops and changes things.
Ask - is this about the Petition asking for help for things to change? Are they called out and people want them to go? 5 of pentacles... they could be facing hardship and they lose popularity by the people.... I think it's the people that make this decision..... This will END... it's a transition... DEATH is a big change can take 6 months to a year, but it's MAJOR end....
I see the sun comes up so its not far away but it's a positive change. THESE CARDS ARE HUGE ... IT WILL BE BIG! The Page of Swords could be the Petition... to bring the situation to a conclusion.

Tarot is entertainment
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