Mark of Beast

4 months ago

I Died & Jesus Revealed the Truth About the Mark of The Beast - Shocking NDE
Reject the Digital Mark. Jesus will provide. Prepare hearts now.

1. Developing skills in Growing and Preserving Food.
2. Learning basic Medical care and natural remedies
3. Building networks of trustworthy believers
4. Establishing alternative communication systems.
5. Creating local support systems for sharing resources.

1. Spiritual preparation, Deep study and memorization of scripture.
2. Development of unshakable faith through testing
3. Learning to hear and obey God's voice clearly.
4. Building strong prayer lives and intimate relationships with him
5. Understanding and applying biblical principals to daily life.

Tell them that this is not about about fear, but about faith. Tell them I am coming soon, and that those who endure to the end will be saved. Tell them that no power on earth can separate them from my love if they choose to remain faithful.

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