Funny Dog Perks Up When She Hears The Word "Potty"

6 years ago

Every dog owner knows how our pups can get super excited about getting out for a walk. Whenever they hear the sound of the leash clicking or their human friends’ steps getting closer to the entrance door, they are all on their fours ready to run out! But did you know that one of the reasons why they do that is going potty! LOL! Of course, they are looking forward to playing go fetch too, but usually “go potty” comes first! Moreover, the word itself can be a true attention grabber when it comes to dogs! Just take a look at this video and see it for yourself! It shows an adorable dog who is chilling on a bed while her lady owner tells her a story. She doesn’t seem too interested in it, at first, so her owner needs to call her name to get her attention, but the moment she says the word "potty" this funny pup perks up! LOL!

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