Fixing the "Occupied" documentary 9/11 coverage

1 month ago

Stew Peters recently dropped his documentary "Occupied" and the 9/11 coverage in the documentary needs some more context for those that have not looked into the events on 9/11 all that deep.

"Occupied" by Stew Peters -

Western civilization has been infected by a parasitic invasion of foreign ideals and values that have been introduced into our culture by a strange and morally degenerate people whose ultimate goal is world domination.

Their poisonous tentacles now strangle every leading position and institution in the land, leading to the normalization of disgusting societal practices such as usury, transgenderism, paedophilia, communism, and the destruction of the nuclear family.

The rule of law is absent because the flow of information and money are completely controlled by one small group of people.

September 11, 2001 An Essential Guide 2024

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