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Living Liturgically

Streamed on:

00:00 Saint/Word of the Day, News Brief, Catholic Trivia Game
15:00 The Next Right Thing with Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai: Detachment
44:00 Five Surprisingly Practical Ways St. Thomas Says to Overcome Sorrow
1:00:00 Nine-Month Novena, Word of the Day, Lesser Known Saint
1:15:00 Steffani Aquila, His Girl Sunday

Prayer for Peace - https://lpj.org/index.php/en/news/requesting-from-hb-on-the-feast-of-the-assumption
Novena - https://novena.cardinalburke.com
ChurchPop - https://www.churchpop.com/5-remedies-to-fight-sadness-according-to-st-thomas-aquinas/ His Girl Sunday - www.hisgirlsunday.com

Morning Joy, Where Truth Matters
Hosted by Keith Downey
Weekdays starting at 6am Central
From the Guadalupe Radio Network

Word(s) of the Day: HARVEST

Do you know who designed the Swiss Guard uniforms? Play our trivia game at www.GRNonline.com/Joy and you could receive our weekly prize!

1 Comment

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  • Are you of the true vine of Christ who cuts off every branch that bears no fruit while pruning and making beautiful the branches which do bear fruit? John 15 In G-d there is no suffering. Suffering arises only when we use our free will against the will of G-d. We suffer only because we try to grasp that which can not be grasped. To stay in rhythm of that which is of it's own accord means to let go of the constant struggle with that which is against it's will. Suffering is therefore of evil and must be rejected: 'For though I be free from all, I have made myself servant unto all'. If the student never becomes wiser than the teacher then the school is always in decline, for the new teachers will never be as good as the old. However it is possible to take what your teacher has given you and build upon it. Even discovering things your teachers had failed to grasp themself; It is thus you may do greater works. "Truth is singular. It's versions are mistruths" - Sonmi 451. The closest mankind may come to Truth is honesty. Perception creates our reality and blocks out Truth because our attention grasps only what it can. But to be honest is to be truthful; This involves being honest not just with others but to ourselves. it is living a lie (holding a perception we do not believe in) that eats away at us like a cancer, ever growing with the subsequent lies that follow. Using temperance we never have to blurt out every truth we hold, simply never misspeak... And never hold back truth from those wishing to seek it, being deserving of it. #GoodNews. It is not a requirement to recite The Word to reveal The Works. I haven't read the 'Song of Roland' but sounds interesting; fun seeing you in the show Tim; should make the show 3 hours so you can get more screen time. #BookClub What is life for if not to sing and dance in praise?; Make It So! God Bless; Grace Be With You