The Ruddy Duck: Close Up HD Footage (Oxyura jamaicensis)

3 months ago

The Ruddy Duck is quite a peculiar little waterbird that you might spot on lakes and ponds. The males are particularly eye-catching during breeding season, sporting a bright blue bill, rusty-red feathers, and a striking white cheek patch. Interestingly, they'll often stick their tail straight up in the air while swimming, which makes them look rather comical! These small ducks are brilliant divers, spending loads of time underwater hunting for insects and water plants. Originally from North America, they found their way to the UK in the 1940s after escaping from a wildlife collection. They're pretty small compared to other ducks, only about 35-43 cm long. One fascinating bit about them is how they build their nests - the females create them right over the water in dense plants. The chicks are remarkably independent, able to dive and feed themselves almost straight after hatching. During winter, they're much less colourful, with both males and females turning greyish-brown.

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