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Lets Go Shopping!

3 months ago

Join Lexi from Rikileaks on an exciting virtual Cyber Monday shopping spree! In this video, we'll explore an array of top picks focused on health, detox, and clean products to boost your wellness journey. Whether you're looking for the latest eco-friendly gadgets, anti-aging and organic skincare, or natural supplements, Lexi has curated the best stocking- stuffer -shopping- list just for you. Get ready to discover must-have items that align with a healthier lifestyle, and don't miss out on expert tips and exclusive offers. Perfect for those eager to invest in their well-being while snagging some fantastic Cyber Monday bargains!

I Will Update these links with Cyber Monday deals once I know what they are!(probably Thursday)
Dr Virtual-https://drvirtual7.sellfy.store/about/

if sunstar doesn't have- https://www.iherb.com/c/supplements
I didnt mention But I love VitaminShoppe too!!!https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/c/the-vitamin-shoppe-brand-favorites?ncuu=THANKS24&sourceType=em&source=RI20241125_WK48_MonBF2_D1D2_AM_LOW_FREQ_PAM1_8&utm_medium=email&utm_source=[dailypromo]&utm_campaign=[tin]%20[20241125_WK48_MonBF2_D1D2_AM_LOW_FREQ_PAM1_8]&smtrctid=35301270275&userid=

mms with HCl-https://kvlab.com/chlorine-dioxide-products/chlorine-dioxide-kit-w-hcl-4-fl-oz
Scaler Water and Rad detox- https://liquidmanna.com/product-category/nt-products/
TEETH- https://medicinal-foods.com/cavity-healing-oral-care/
-EMF Orgonite-https://www.ftwproject.com/cart-2/
EMF muffling blocking usb

I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS FOR PEOPLE WITH SMART METERS https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Meter-Guard-Radiation-Shield/dp/B00OVJCPS6/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2O6RKJNFHINEM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qybqyz4S65rCLn99G49thJf4CBzW3lVZzamk6tVEuFriBASpiVrISEt4pBOfwM0SpRA0yB7YfE1yKsLw6KG2xblwqqKtigVjImXcfos2xS-4cJ0PQTlQTa-_9zCG02EfUXuEAxmEIm8ZGKpv3_DJx2Y808LJqtmj5eYQ4dg3u3XGHXoTe24f-VITEbBlmnQ2cRH2mwlaeiRVkcAIMDZoH7OzpAp6VXKd9ZCZm9ju8NQ.Htm0ezNTCkQFwAWzWF3FYj9Iu4Nvl_f3s0LR7A94PIM&dib_tag=se&keywords=smart+meter+cover+emf&qid=1732576051&sprefix=smart+meter+cover+em%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-3


  • 0/2000
  • Thanks Lexi! This is exactly what I was looking for, the Lifewave info!! 🤍

    1 like
  • Keep on being "chatty"... Don't let the normies (w/main stream television's attention span) throw you! I needed all the info you had to offer and so I stopped/started OFTEN (sometimes taking screenshots)... Thank you for being so thorough! ♥️ Ess