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Silver Bullet - by Dr Mike Yeadon and Tim West (2024.11.25)

2 months ago

This Address was prepared for the Northern Ireland parliament but represents a clear summing-up. without bells and whistles, of a few central points which, if widely understood, would severely hamper the ability of those with control issues from succeeding in their 'unification' plans.

SOURCE: https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/silver-bullet

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  • 0/2000
  • Dr. Mike Yeadon has confirmed the years of Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Naomi Wolf warnings, discovery of USA and World “ Health” Organization, NIH determined health crises Scam, all to reduce world freedoms and populations. All “Legally” as none of the accomplices may be outed to criminal charges. Use of EUA-covered medical countermeasure (MCM) products including masks, PCR tests, mRNA and DNA injections, and other drugs, devices and biologics, once designated as such by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (March 10, 2020, retroactive to February 4, 2020) “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.” 21 USC 360bbb-3(k). EUA law, adopted 1997 and amended 2003, 2004, 2005, 2013, 2017. This is true no matter how untested, unmonitored, unsafe, or ineffective they are, no matter whether their harmfulness to human health and uselessness for infection-control are known before use, or discovered afterward. Legal implications derived from the main premise: * There is no stopping condition. * EUA products are exempt from laws regulating researcher use of investigational, experimental drugs, devices and biologics on human beings. * EUA products are exempt from laws regulating physician use of approved drugs, devices and biologics as medical treatments for patients. * There are no manufacturers of experimental products (EUA products are not part of any clinical investigation, and therefore not experimental.) * There are no government or private contracts for purchase of experimental products; there are only contracts for ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstrations.’ * There is no act of administration of any experimental products. * There are no nurses or pharmacists administering experimental products. * There are no human subjects (of experiments) or patients (of physicians providing treatment) receiving experimental products: no victims. * There is no party responsible for the wellbeing of recipients after administration of EUA product

  • stopped listening in 2020 mike. won't listen ever again.

    1 like
  • Watch belly of the beast documentary it ties everything up

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  • What's the recommendation going forward, good disclosure Mike Yeadon and I don't know what punishment should be done going forward, I have my conclusion but will hold it back for now till the plan is put into place and the evil are displaced

  • For what it is worth, I add my heart felt gratitude to Dr Mike Yeadon for his remarkably brave and selfless devotion to the truth and to the rescue of humankind from the most heinous of dreadful crimes against humanity ever designed in history. I have some insight into medical research and can attest that he is precisely placed, by his learning and work, to know as much as anybody else in the world about what these recent misnamed vaccines have done and about the dangers they hold. I cannot think how anyone could be better qualified or understand more. He knows he is a threat to their lies and intentions. They depend on our believing their lies, such as 'safe and effective', and how they twisted their data to make their injection seem effective when they knew it was not. Midazolam and morphine delivery requires that the patient be observed by a medically qualified person who knows how to administer these. Remember that however kind and sensible Care Home Carers are, the job does not ask that they be medically qualified. Please may I draw this evidence of a planned campaign to kill the elderly in 2020 to our attention: Hancock, the Health Minister, amassed in advance a huge supply of midazolam and morphine which he proudly declared on TV. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wI9OqQMXweur A ‘GOOD DEATH NEEDS MIDAZOLAM AND MORPHINE’ Dr Evans Luke asking Matt Hancock The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, told the country that 'some of your loved ones will die early'. The people in Care Homes were forbidden admission to hospital. TV News showed ambulances being turned away with sick patients from Care Homes whose level of illness was requiring hospital assistance. Visits to the Care Homes were forbidden. Thus the friends and family of the people in Care Homes did not have access to monitor what was happening. Please stop believing their lies. They want to stop Mike speaking the truth. Lies are the weapon of Satan, and there are Satan worshippers alive today.

  • I wish for the day that I see ALL those and companies who made it, coerced, mandated, pushed and called those who refused to it all the names under the son, to be brought to justice and dealt with severely: I wish for death sentence but that not available in those countries. Simply because they have killed so many and still free and some outrageously pardoned like criminal Fauci.

  • Sure folks did catch a big black hat and body: Like JOHNNY WINTER - Silver Train https://youtu.be/8hutQV0eCdE?si=ciyMNtiR-E7n0xlT

  • Dr. Yeadon, that you so much for posting this! So much of what you said has crossed my mind, especially the part where all these companies came out with nearly identical injections simultaneously! Everyone should watch this video. There is NO theory in this conspiracy!!!