UN COP29 Summit calls for rationing meat & a ‘meat tax’ – ‘They are coming for your meat.'

1 month ago

Marc Moran Appears on FBN’s ‘The Bottom Line’ to Discuss Meat Tax at COP29 Summit


Dagen: Climate activists at UN summit demand a meat tax, aiming to slim down consumption by fattening up the price tag, funding vegetables and meat alternative by charging more for your burger.

Video Clip from UN COP29: “We believe that cop29, conferences there after, can be successful if the closing statement includes transitioning from animal protein over consumption over guide lines…We want to give some of the revenues of to consumers, to reduce prices of healthy foods like vegetables, and fruits and plant-based meat and pay for the loss and damage funds. See: Watch: At COP29, UN speakers declare war on farmers: ‘Producers of meat & dairy should pay for the damage they cause [to climate]’ – Call for ‘Meat Tax’
Dagen: They can hope and dream and flap their gums.

Marc Morano: This has been going on for decades. I worked in the U.S. Senate Environment Committee back in 2006, and the U.N. came out with an agriculture report claiming cow emissions are worse for the planet than all of the transportation sectors combined, planes, trains, and automobiles. See: 2006 UN report: Cow ’emissions’ more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars

Morano: The UN has been trying for 20 years — to start meat restrictions and net zero goals. In the Netherlands, the farmers formed their own political party and they fought back against agriculture climate restrictions and suspended them.

We were told it was a conspiracy theory to believe the climate agenda wants to ration food, but now, they are openly saying it with featured speakers at the U.N. summit. Make no mistake, they are coming for your meat. They want it to be rationed. And the idea that plant-based meat is healthier — even CNN nutritionists ridiculed fake plant-based processed meat as unhealthy compared to actual meat. (See: CNN’s nutritionist, Lisa Drayer, was blunt, noting the amount of saturated fat and calories in Burger King’s Impossible

Burger: “If you are choosing to eat these [fake meat] burgers solely for their health value, you may want to reconsider.”)
Sean: Marc Morano, keep up the good fight at cop 29, we appreciate it.

Morano: Thank you, Dagen and Sean.

At COP29, UN speakers declare war on farmers: ‘Producers of meat & dairy should pay for the damage they cause [to climate]’ – Call for ‘Meat Tax’

Flashback 2009: ‘Don’t Blame Cows for Climate Change’ – University of Calif authority on farming refutes UN claims – Slams Paul McCartney & promoters of ‘meatless Mondays’

University of Nebraska research on cows emissions counters climate claims: ‘There is more carbon sequestered than what cattle breathe out in CO2 & produce in methane’ – From the researchers at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln – Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Galen Erickson, professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Tala Awada, professor and associate dean in the Agricultural Research Division, said: “When optimized grazing is applied based on the climate and the region, there is more carbon sequestered than what cattle breathe out in CO2 and produce in methane,” Erickson said.

Great Food Reset – Meat rationing has arrived! Banks Urged to Stop Financing Livestock Production – Over 100 climate groups pressure JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup & other banks to cut funding to meat & dairy companies

CNN: Researchers find ‘a new way to make lab-grown meat taste like the real deal’ – ‘It may look like pink Jell-O but scientists hope this new invention could revolutionize meat’

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