The Elvis You Don't Know & the Evolution of His Music

3 months ago

The Internet has given us access to an infinite amount of documentary material regarding Elvis Presley. Michael Mercier has spent untold hours analyzing this material, and he has generated wholly unique insights about Elvis’ life, personality, art, and career.

Using video and audio clips, photographs, and documents, Michael will share his insights, including the following:

- How rock was an accidental digression from Elvis’ primary interest in ballads and gospel.
- How Elvis applied his own formula to black rhythm and blues songs to transform them into his own style of rock.
- How Elvis had a palpable, sometimes overwhelming, energetic aura described by countless friends, fans, celebrities, and others in the music business.
- How Elvis expressed an elevated aesthetic sense in many areas of his life.
- How Elvis possessed a remarkable intellectual drive.
- How Elvis’ ’68 Comeback and Aloha Via Satellite TV specials stand as remarkably unique achievements in American television history.
- How the claim that Elvis was a racist is an absurd lie.
- How Elvis began producing a documentary film about Karate in the ’70s.

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