The Monday Brief - Biden Gambles World War III As Trump Begins Huge Swamp Drain

1 month ago

Get our FREE newsletter @ — Donate to Promethean Action @ — NATO meets tomorrow in emergency session following the insane moves they and Joe Biden made last week against Russia. For the first time, a mad president allowed his minions to hurl missiles into the territory of a nuclear armed state. They have not explained it; they can't. But the American people are demanding accountability. Meanwhile Trump has taken steps to truly drain the swamp and return us to our constitutional system. We discuss this, as well as the origins of the swamp, deep state, or administrative state in the top to bottom British controlled Woodrow Wilson administration. They gave us the Fed, two world wars, the income tax, the revival of the Ku Klux Klan, and a deliberately anti-American government of "experts" aligned against The People.

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