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The Big Picture The Aggressor

2 months ago

The aggressor -- a maneuver enemy -- captures "THE BIG PICTURE" -- "The Aggressors," a giant training aid of the United States Army, was formed after World War II at Fort Riley, Kansas. Their job: to create as realistic a maneuver enemy as possible so that combat training will approach the feeling of actual combat. In the first half of this most unusual THE BIG PICTURE, audiences discover the Aggressor Amy, Member Circle Trigon Party, have liberated large areas of the continental United States, but because of their success, THE BIG PICTURE viewers have been kept from the facts. This is a short documentary showing the liberation of the United States to date. After setting the pace for this program in the first 15 minutes, the camera examines closely this gigantic training aid of the Army. It is explained that at the close of World War II, a board of 100 combat-experienced American generals was formed to recommend training policies for the future. Out of these recommendations came the Aggressor concept of a maneuver enemy. The general mission of the Aggressor Army was threefold: First, to provide a realistic enemy for maneuver training; second, to provide realistic situations for intelligence training; third, to make sure that all American soldiers are aware that any future enemy will look and act differently from what they are accustomed to.

Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center.
DATES: (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984 )

USE RESTRICTIONS STATUS: Restricted - Possibly
USE RESTRICTIONS NOTE: Some or all of this material may be restricted by copyright or other intellectual property right restrictions.

URL: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018C6SF0
NOTE: A DVD of this film can be ordered from our partner, Amazon.com/NATIONALARCHIVES. A DVD of this film is ALSO available for viewing and copying free of charge in the NARA Research Room in the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD.

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