Winston Peters Anti immigration Quotes

1 month ago

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Winston Peters Anti immigration Quotes Over The Years.

Winston Peters immigration quotes about Mass Asian immigration and Asianisation of New Zealand

1. "Māori will be disturbed to know that in 17 years' time they will be outnumbered by Asians in New Zealand", (2005)

2. "We have now reached the point where you can wander down Queen Street in Auckland and wonder if you are still in New Zealand or some other country." - Peters (2005)

3. "The government's lax immigration laws are changing the face of our country forever. At this rate, it won't take long for New Zealand to be unrecognisable." - In a statement headlined "New Zealand -- The Last Asian Colony". (2005)

4. "We are being dragged into the status of an Asian colony and it is time that New Zealanders were placed first in their own country." - (2004)

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