"I killed a man."

3 months ago

Sep 3, 2013
This video was recorded and released by http://becauseisaidiwould.com on September 3rd, 2013. Seven days after the release of this video, Matthew Cordle was charged with aggravated vehicular homicide. The mandatory prison sentence for this crime in the state of Ohio is between 2 and 8 years. On October 23rd, Matthew was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison with no chance of early release and a lifetime driver's license suspension.

This video contains a typo, the video was recorded on August 27th and released on September 3rd. He wanted to wait to notify the victim's family.

Matthew Cordle has two pages that are updated by his sister with his thoughts from prison...
/ saveyourvictim

More promise stories from because I said I would:
/ becauseisaidiwould
/ bcisaidiwould
/ becauseisaidiwould
/ www

Copyright Because I said I would 2013

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