
3 months ago


So, only liberals can talk about Policy and Leadership…… got ittttt.

Not a Retired Veteran who can put the WHOLE blueprint together in one sitting via:

Title 10
Title 14
Title 32
Title 50
Department of Defense Directives
Department of Justice Policies
Executive Orders
National Emergencies
Special Operations Publication
Military Publications
The Constitution

That MORE THAN CLEARLY Outline a Military Government with Unconventional and Irregular Warfare invoked with daily visuals.

All Lawful. A Defense mode.

The other beauty in this speech… it’s to his own people, the swamp.

What few Americans watched these during the moment… treated them as fiery speeches but just another speech.

These are all evidence of the word games and alliance games they played.

They ALL knew there were no weapons of mass destruction.

He admits all the places he was.

“There is no plan.”

“The story about the Constitution - we gave the President specific authority which is our responsibility.”

“Saddam is dead!”

Remember the article about Assassination in the Law of War from October 15, 2021?

Where Dick Cheney fired the General for saying to focus on Saddam, he’s a one man show?

Why did Bush Sr. and Clinton let Saddam live 15 more years after that firing if he was the Dictator they painted him to be?

Now listen to their hypocritical word games they played in the swamp for years, again.

There’s a STRATEGIC PLAN in place.

It exposed, trapped, and caught these clowns.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45—47

It’s been cleaning up all the remnants of their practice and destruction.

If you cannot see it yet… you’ve got to look at the foundation you’re studying.

My Rumble Videos:

“Back to the Basics.”
“The Epic Tie-In.”

Will help condense and hone in on the strategy. All public via dot Gov and Mil sites.

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