2018 Genealogy Fair Session 2 Federal Records that Help Identify Former Slaves and Slave Owners

1 month ago

This presentation will highlight some of the most important federal records for identifying former slaves and slave owners, including:

Civil War and later military service and pension records
Confederate slave payrolls
Bureau of Pensions Law Division case files
Freedmen’s Bureau records
Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company records
Southern Claims Commission claims files
Coastwise slave ship manifests
Fugitive slave case files

Presented by: Claire Kluskens, Reference and Digital Projects Archivist at the National Archives in Washington, DC

⇒ Handouts: https://www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-fair.
⇒ Event Evaluation Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYREventEval
⇒ Transcript taken from the captioning is available after the event and upon request to KYR@nara.gov.

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