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15 seconds

By Design

2 months ago

By Design


  • 0/2000
  • Tara is right. the lady in the blue dress saying the kids are not lost.. should be in prison. she's not following the Constitution.

  • Democrats are the biggest human traffickers in history. Anybody supporting this shit is guilty of Epstein and Diddy doing what they did for so long.

  • This isn't America's problem. Chase them all out by gunpoint if needed!!!!!! I don't give a shit about illegal invaders "lost". I'm no longer sucking the dick of "poor children" narratives. American citizens want ALL removed and those responsible held accountable by pubic jury and hangings!!!

  • Why do I never see comments?Are they being hidden from me. I know, for years I have been shadow banned on YouTube. But I could see comments. Now not even comments.

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  • As a orphan from the 50s, I know for a fact the social service personnel came to visit me AT my new home twice a year and took me aside and asked many questions as to how I was being treated. My 4 other sisters and brothers went through the questioning process the same way as me. Why are they losing kids??? That's pure BS that children are not being protected.

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  • News unlocks MAP. Could MAP equal Minor Attracted Persons?