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Manufactured Consent (see description)

2 months ago

A great video from this lady.

ALL of the treasonous scum in Government, Police, Courts, Councils will be arrested by the Military. This is not a threat but an opinion based on 20,000hrs of solid research gathered over the past 5 years, but you can add 19 years to that as that is when my research began.

In 2020 it quickly became apparent as the establishment embarked on a huge push to install communism, and with communism comes destruction of private businesses, private ownership, land grabbing, control of food, travel, freedom, and of course planned genocide and the plan to incarcerate "dissenters" in Gulags/FEMA Camps/Prisons.

Many of us stated in early 2020 for public servants to "choose wisely", the choice was between God and Satan, or Good vs Evil. The satanic filth had four years in which to expose themselves, the military, and USSF, have their targets marked, and all activity of the satanic evil scumbags has been monitored and recorded. As Sun Tzu states "never interrupt an enemy when it is in the middle of destroying itself"

What happens to the evil people from here is set in stone, future proves past.




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