U.S. Need to Keep CCP Out of Its Food Supply Chains Altogether

1 month ago

11/23/2024 Michael Lucci @Michael7ucci, Founder and CEO of State Armor Action @StateArmor, on How CCP Weaponizes Food Supply to Undermine the United States: CCP views control of food supply chains as a piece of warfare. We must keep CCP out of our food supply chains altogether. They shouldn't invest in any food companies and American agriculture, shouldn't touch any of our agricultural land, and what they currently own, they should be forced to divest all of that.
#ccp #UnrestrictedWarfare #foodsupplychain #USAgriculture #FoodSecurity
11/23/2024 “国家装甲行动”组织的创始人兼首席执行官迈克尔‧卢奇谈中共如何武器化食品供应链来破坏美国:中共将控制食品供应链视为战争的一部分。我们必须将中共完全排除在我们的食品供应链之外。他们不能投资任何食品公司和美国农业,不能触碰美国的农地,对于他们目前拥有的农业资产,应强制他们全部剥离。
#中共 #超限战 #食品供应链 #美国农业 #粮食安全

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