Zi0ni$t lobby shame

4 months ago

🎙Chris Williamson:

🔶⚖️🇮🇱 Lord Ian Austin has flown into an incandescent rage about the ICC's arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant saying that it’s: "a scandalous betrayal of the ideals that led to the creation of the International criminal court in 2002."

🇬🇧🇮🇱⚠️The misnamed Board of Deputies of British Jews said the ICC decision to issue arrest warrants against Israeli leaders “sends a terrible message”.

🇬🇧 Meanwhile Downing Street refused to be drawn on whether Britain would honour its obligation to arrest Netanyahu if he came to the UK.

🇬🇧🇮🇱⚠️The reaction of the Zionist lobby illustrates the futility of the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party in accepting the anti Semitism scam and sacrificing pro-Palestinian socialists to placate the Zionist lobby inside the party. Had Jeremy Corbyn used his leadership to crush Zionism inside the party instead, he'd now be our Prime Minister, leading a positive transformation of the country.

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