Tear Down The US Government System And Shutdown All Pedophile's & Sex Slaves

1 month ago

Millions Of Democrat's Are Now Demanding Tear Down The US Government System And Shutdown And Seeking US Government Reform Demanded Right Now In 2025. Important Note: I must emphasize that tearing down the US government system and shutting down all pedophiles and sex slaves is not a feasible or ethical solution. The US government is a complex institution designed to protect citizens’ rights and ensure public safety, and dismantling it would have catastrophic consequences. Additionally, targeting individuals accused of pedophilia or sex trafficking without due process and evidence-based investigations is unjust and potentially harmful.

Pedophile acceptance movements appear to be gaining traction as some medical professionals, academics, and legislators are taking up the cause of advancing the rights of “minor attracted people.”

Instead, I’ll provide a comprehensive response that addresses the issues you’ve raised:

Pedophilia and sex trafficking: These are serious crimes that require a multifaceted approach involving law enforcement, social services, and community engagement. The US government has established various agencies and initiatives to combat these issues, such as the Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center, and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Government accountability: Ensuring government accountability is crucial in addressing these issues.
This can be achieved through:
Strengthening laws and regulations to prevent and punish sex trafficking and pedophilia.

Increasing funding for law enforcement agencies and social services to support investigations and victim support.

Enhancing transparency and oversight mechanisms to hold government officials and institutions accountable for their actions.

Prevention and education: Preventing pedophilia and sex trafficking requires a comprehensive approach that includes:

Education and awareness campaigns to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Supporting programs that promote healthy relationships, consent, and empathy.

Encouraging community engagement and reporting suspected cases of abuse.
Victim support: Providing support to victims of pedophilia and sex trafficking is essential.
This includes:
Access to counseling, medical care, and legal assistance.
Safe housing and shelter options.
Economic empowerment and job training programs.

Concrete Steps:
Strengthen laws and regulations: Update and enforce existing laws to prevent and punish sex trafficking and pedophilia.

Increase funding: Allocate additional resources to law enforcement agencies, social services, and victim support organizations.

Enhance transparency and oversight: Establish independent oversight mechanisms to monitor government actions and hold officials accountable.

Promote education and awareness: Launch public awareness campaigns and support education programs that focus on preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Support victim services: Ensure access to comprehensive support services for victims of pedophilia and sex trafficking, including counseling, medical care, and legal assistance.

Conclusion: Rather than tearing down the US government system, we should work to strengthen its institutions and policies to combat pedophilia and sex trafficking. This requires a collaborative effort from government agencies, civil society, and individuals to prevent these crimes, support victims, and hold perpetrators accountable.

What happens to a country when freedom of speech is withheld? You’re seeing it, and we’re in great danger. Save the information found in this article, and please help dispense this information any way you can. (Some servers may go down and bounce articles.)

Based on the provided search results, “tear down the system” refers to a concept where people seek to dismantle or fundamentally change the existing social, political, economic, or institutional structures that they perceive as oppressive, ineffective, or harmful. In the context of the United States, this phrase may imply a desire to challenge or overthrow the current system, which is characterized by:

Concentrated market power and fragility: The recent global IT outage caused by a software update from CrowdStrike highlights the vulnerability of interconnected technologies and the potential for single points of failure.

Decline of American influence: Some scholars argue that the United States is experiencing a decline in its relative power and influence globally, attributed to factors such as deficit spending, military overreach, and shifting moral and social conditions.

Inequality and economic stagnation: The US has seen unprecedented levels of income and wealth inequality, stagnating life expectancy, and limited political choices, contributing to an angry national mood and political divisions.

In this context, “tear down the system” might mean:

Challenging the dominance of large corporations and promoting more equitable market structures

Reforming or replacing institutions that perpetuate inequality and stagnation, such as the healthcare and education systems

Redefining the role of government and its relationship with citizens, potentially involving more decentralized or participatory governance models

Addressing the root causes of decline, including deficit spending and military overreach, to redirect resources towards sustainable economic growth and social welfare

However, it’s essential to note that the concept of “tearing down the system” can be interpreted in various ways, and its implementation would require careful consideration of the potential consequences and alternative frameworks for governance and social organization.

Power, Pedophilia and the US Government As the West charges full speed ahead towards World War III with its incendiary epicenter Ukraine, simultaneous headlines are breaking with pedophilia sex scandals implicating the highest levels of elite power and privilege involving both US presidents and the British royal family. There now exists incontrovertible evidence confirming that members of the world’s most powerful and wealthy ruling class have for decades been regularly engaging in predatory violent and sexual acts involving the most brutal and perverse crimes including ritualistic torture underage children and even murder. Yet apparently these most heinous crimes against the most powerless and defenseless in our society – thousands of child victims – have been preyed upon for many years with complete impunity, systematically covered up at the highest levels by the American and British governments. Yet these sophisticated child sex trafficking syndicates have never been exposed as they are now. Unfolding shocking developments on both sides of the Atlantic have finally been exposing pedophile scandals not only committed in the US and UK but apparently all around the world including Portugal, Chile, Mexico and Belgium.

While these sex scandals unravel in the West, it’s important to understand their geopolitical context. At the same time as these criminal shockwaves are politically rocking the global elite, they are accompanied by unprecedented frenzied activity at the highest echelons of global finance involving dozens of murders and suicides of high profile figures within the central banking cabal, an incredible amount of covert movement of gold and silver, spiraling rock bottom oil prices on the impending eve of the US dollar and petrodollar collapse dumping it as the standard international reserve currency. Also unprecedented now is the David and Goliath story of bankrupt European Union member Greece defying the longtime predatory debt practice of thievery that’s been the economic paradigm of Western oligarchy.

As if to take all this mounting pressure and dog wagging heat off, with increasing desperation the West has relentlessly been engaging in a nonstop propaganda blitz of lies and false flags in order to demonize and bait Putin into all-out war after the ethnic Russian citizens of Crimea voted overwhelmingly for annexation with Russia. After investing $5 billion tampering with the internal affairs of a sovereign nation and pulling off an internationally outlawed coup overthrowing a democratically elected Ukrainian president, which Obama recently copped to, Putin merely beat the US-NATO imperialists to the punch by preventing the US Navy from taking over Russia’s critical fleet in Crimean port. For a full year ever since the West has been frantically trying to prod and bait nuclear powered Russia into world war. The US has caused a Ukrainian civil war and is now sending heavy arms to only enflame the already volatile hotspot.

All of these desperate, seemingly suicidal gestures by the Western oligarchs are clearly a knee jerk reaction to the major global shifting of power moving rapidly from West to East. It’s been underway for a while but is now reaching critical mass. So on top of all these cataclysmic changes on the geopolitics chessboard, now that the Western Emperor’s been stripped naked in the face of the latest sex crimes involving the elite’s most powerful rich and famous, all hell is about to break loose.

The biggest names floating around as probable patrons in the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein scandal that’s been recently gaining some traction are former President Bill Clinton and fifth in line to the British throne Prince Andrew. Gawker recently obtained flightlogs going back to the late 1990’s through mid-2000’s that place Bill Clinton repeatedly on board the private jet dubbed the “Lolita Express” belonging to convicted pedophile Epstein in the company of a soft-core porn actress and underage girls listed in Epstein’s black book under “massage.” The flightlogs implicate Bill as a possible participant on board Epstein’s planes where girls as young as 12 provided sexual favors for the financier’s most powerful friends. Records confirm that Bill flew the friendly skies of the Lolita Express more than a dozen times over a several year period in the early 2000’s. It goes without saying that Senator Hillary never once escorted Bill on these pleasure air cruises.

On one Clinton trip he traveled for a week on Epstein’s planes with an entourage that included Kevin Spacey to Africa on an anti-poverty anti-AIDS tour. Among the women also on board for that weeklong tour were key Epstein employees who were the victims’ handlers Sarah Kellen and Ghislaine Maxwell along with soft-porn actress-masseuse Chauntee Davies.

Because of such potentially incriminating evidence that a popular former president could possibly be a pedophile, in conjunction with an already long trail of mysterious deaths surrounding dozens of suspicious “suicides” and murders of people at one time closely associated with the Clintons, great lengths by the feds top on down to conceal this latest damning truth from the public eye have been exerted. Yet there exists volumes of documented proof traced to high up in the Justice Department obstructing justice at every turn by disregarding and dismissing overwhelming evidence while quietly letting the guilty power broking offenders off the hook, only issuing a mere slap on the hand to the billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein as the child molesting ringleader of the sexual human trafficking ring.

Despite Epstein’s 2008 conviction on two felony counts of soliciting underage victims as well as adults for sex that would bring anyone else up to twenty years in federal prison, Epstein was allowed to freely leave jail during the day and only come back for overnight visits at his Palm Beach County Jail for a mere thirteen months of an eighteen month sentence. He had up to thirty-five victims of underage girls willing to provide incriminating testimony against him and his powerful pals who all went Scot-free. Since 2008 Epstein has escaped further punishment by simply buying thirty of his victims off as his attorneys have been busily negotiating settlements to his multiple lawsuits.

Federal prosecutors even violated the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in allowing a plea bargain agreement for the human trafficking kingpin Epstein without even informing the victims. Obviously their civil rights were violated when prosecutors chose not to try Epstein and company for human trafficking and sex crimes. The current law specifies that human traffickers who also commit aggravated sexual abuse, which of course the guilty parties repeatedly did and much more, stipulates a lifetime prison sentence. Yet a slap of Jeffrey’s hand while allowing everybody else to walk away free is the grossest, most obscene miscarriage of justice possible. Thankfully two of the victims joined by two more are currently still pursuing Epstein and the feds protecting all guilty parties on charges that their civil rights under the Protection Act were violated. Hopefully this can lead to the other guilty big name pedophile criminals to also get charged. But if status quo prevails, don’t hold your breath.

A month ago one of the girls, Virginia Roberts, now 31, went public with her detailed account of how Epstein recruited her at age 15 forcing her for an extended three-year period into a life of sexual servitude as his sex slave, also coercing her into having sex with Epstein’s high roller friends, allegedly among them royal Prince Andrew as well as renowned American attorney Alan Dershowitz. Virginia Roberts stated in her court papers that she had sex with Andrew three times in New York, London and on a Caribbean Island owned by Epstein. Fear of reprisal from the still very powerful billionaire has her fearing for her life. According to Virginia’s aunt, several months ago just prior to the court allegations going forward, Virginia felt she had to flee Florida and is believed to be currently living incognito somewhere in Colorado with her husband and three children.

Roberts’ court filing in late December 2014 specified that Jeffrey Epstein made sure his underage sex slaves provided detailed descriptions of their sexual encounters with the world’s most famous and powerful politicians, businessmen and world leaders in order to potentially blackmail them. That of course is the Modus Operandi employed by all global powerbrokers to buy insurance for both their survival longevity as well as their legal license to get away with the most evil crimes in the world. The US master at this shady practice was none other than the half century FBI Director transvestite J. Edgar Hoover.

Right after Politico published its New Year’s Eve bombshell making Virginia Roberts’ Florida lawsuit public, from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Prince Andrew vehemently denied ever having sex with any underage girls. In a rare public appearance since Roberts’ allegations, on Wednesday this week the Earl of York was defended as a “true beacon as an ambassador for UK trade and enterprise” by the President of the Royal Academy of Engineering Professor Dame Ann Dowling. Because a photo of Andrew with Epstein right after Epstein finished his jail time had surfaced in 2010, his association with the convicted pedophile embarrassed the royal family enough to force Andrew to step down from his official role as ambassador for UK trade.

Expect lots more of circled British wagons touting their diehard loyalty to royalty from UK’s most prominent elitist figures. Public leaders’ mantra when caught in any wrongdoing is simply to deny, deny, deny while ensuring they bring out all their heavy guns showering accolades of greatness on the accused. For decades the royals of not only the British Commonwealth but other European aristocracy have been busily fighting and suppressing any exposure of their direct connections to global child slavery-trafficking-sex abuse rings.

Returning to Epstein’s flightlogs, several women were employed by the jet setting financier from 1997 to 2006 but two in particular, Ghislaine Maxwell and Sarah Kellen, allegedly worked to recruit underage girls as their pimping handlers. They were also accused of having sexually abused the victims themselves but went uncharged for their crimes. Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late media mogul Robert Maxwell, allegedly forced victims to engage in lesbian acts with her as well as stored photos of them as child pornography on her computer. Yet apparently due to her family wealth, she has remained a free woman, never held accountable for her criminal role.

When Harvard law professor Dershowitz’ name came up as a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express, he plunged into full damage control in an interview with American Lawyer insisting that he has always been a faithful husband of 28 years to his wife who he claimed always traveled with him. Yet the flightlog records show while flying with Epstein and company he never was accompanied by his wife. Another discrepancy was his statement that he was only a mere “professional” acquaintance with Epstein because Epstein was a financial donor to Harvard and since Clinton’s former Secretary of Treasury Larry Summers was a close friend of Epstein’s, while Summers was president of Harvard, it was only in this “job related” context that while Dershowitz was raising money for his and his boss’ top Ivy League school did he briefly interact with Epstein at all.

Records again dispute this claim as well showing that Dershowitz knew and flew with the billionaire pedophile on numerous occasions as early as 1997. Looks like the fast talking lawyer was just doing some fast talking damage control. In a more recent interview with Gawker, Dershowitz did some fast explaining when he suddenly remembered flying back in 1997 to Epstein’s friend’s birthday party where former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and ex-astronaut-Senator John Glenn were also attendees. Again he unequivocally denied having sex with any young women. Sounds vaguely familiar to another Lolita Express frequent flyer named Bill. Wonder what Bill and Hillary Clinton were visibly arguing about at a recent public event. Perhaps how the latest bad press might be hurting her 2016 presidential hopes.

Regarding that brief, strictly professional acquaintanceship between Epstein and Dershowitz, during Epstein’s pre-pedophile arrest days back in 2003, attorney-author Dershowitz in a Vanity Affair interview boldly boasted, “I’m on my 20th book… The only person outside my immediate family that I send drafts to is Jeffrey.” That sounds not nearly so professional as personal and chummy. Yet when Gawker confronted him with this discrepancy, Dershowitz maintained that Epstein was only “a friend with whom I talked about ideas. We never discussed women or his social life.”

Dershowitz joined the best legal dream team a billionaire pedophile’s money can buy that also included onetime Clinton-Lewinsky adversary Ken Starr and other hot shot lawyers Roy Black and Gerald Lefcourt. They successfully convinced the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida to not charge Epstein or his pimp co-conspirators with sex trafficking underage girls across state lines nor prosecute any of the other frequent flying child molesters. Despite Dershowitz’ name not being on that sweetheart deal of a plea agreement protecting super-rich “perps”, the civil case that victim Virginia Roberts filed does accuse Dersh-of-bagging his own immunity, a slight conflict of interest violation. In revenge, Dershowitz vowed to have Roberts’ attorney dis-barred.

Exploiting children sexually is unfortunately all too commonplace. Regardless of socioeconomic level, pedophilia is both a serious public health hazard and serious sex crime problem of the first order. 4% of Americans are estimated to have pedophiliac urges. But when wealth, power and privilege offer impunity to perverted predators who are allowed to get away with such heinous crimes, the old double standard of having two separate justice systems becomes appallingly unacceptable. If those without wealth and power commit the very same crime, they will be locked away for life whereas the rich and powerful will generally go free, too often allowed to only harm more victims. Sadly this unacceptable reality has a long track record both here in America and abroad.

The most egregious, known sexual slavery-human trafficking-child abuse scandal in US history occurred back in the 1980’s with its epicenter Boys Town, USA near Omaha, Nebraska. The so called Franklin scandal that was traced directly up to both the Reagan and George HW Bush White Houses caused enough of a stir to force the Nebraska state legislature to call for an independent investigation in 1988. But once again the long arm of predatory, morally reprehensible power out of Washington successfully evaded any justice from being served and the powerful guilty perverts at the top once again got away with both murder and destroying hundreds of young defenseless lives, throwaway kids from the child welfare system that historically fails to protect them.

The story began at Boys Town, the same Boys Town that the late Mickey Rooney and Spencer Tracy starred in to make it the most famous Catholic orphanage in the entire world. At the center of the Franklin scandal was Larry King, an African American businessman and owner of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha. So as not to confuse this Larry King with the other Larry King, the longtime media personality currently working at the RT network, this presentation will refer to the monster behind the Franklin scandal as Lawrence King. Back in the mid-1980’s during the Reagan presidency, Lawrence King became the fast rising star of the Republican Party, singing the national anthem at the Grand Old Party’s 1984 presidential convention in Dallas. For many years Lawrence King had been in cahoots with the priest who was second in command at Boys Town, a pedophile himself who helped funnel a steady supply of innocent victims for King’s syndicate crime ring.

Because the child victims at Boys Town came from disadvantaged, parentless homes mostly from the foster care system ranging from age six through adolescence, they were easily exploited and manipulated by King into becoming abuse victims. Crime kingpin King not only used his young victims as “boy toys” for gay politicians at after party Republican fundraising events during the Reagan and Bush years of the 1980’s, they were also used as drug mules moving shipments of cocaine out of California that Reagan and Bush senior deployed the CIA during the Iran Contra years running guns and money trade for cocaine from Latin America that flooded urban ghettos in the US creating the crack cocaine epidemic. King’s Franklin Credit Union was laundering drug money from the Iran Contra scandal. Another major player in Washington was lobbyist Craig Spence who longtime investigator-author Nick Bryant believes was a CIA asset that notoriously ran midnight tours with the boys to the Bush White House. King hired photographer Rusty Nelson to take photos of the politicians in compromising positions as blackmail insurance. Young victims were not only sodomized by the powerful pedophiles in Congress but often King would drug, sadistically burn and torture them for sexual sadism as well as terrorizing them for control purposes.

When courageous individuals such as Carol Stitt, director of the state foster care review board, Nebraska state legislator John DeCamp and state senator Loran Schmitt attempted to bring justice for the long suffering young victims in Nebraska, the powers-that-be engaged in a diabolical suppression of evidence, harassment and persecution of witnesses, evidence tampering and character defamation. The publisher of the local newspaper, the Omaha Herald Record, also served as chairman of King’s credit union advisory board. The paper engaged in a nonstop smear campaign to discredit and defame witnesses.

The five brave young witnesses were repeatedly threatened, beaten up, drugged and manipulated into recanting testimony, and eventually charged with perjury, arrested and imprisoned. Several ended up doing serious time in prison after being victimized for years. The 15-year old girl at the time Alisha Owen was handed a fifteen year sentence. Illustrating the sinister depravity of the US justice system, the mastermind behind the worst pedophile trafficking crime ring in American history ended up doing only ten years for unrelated crimes while an innocent, honest and very brave victim first abused sexually by evil adults and then legally by an evil court system has her spending more time in prison than the criminal mastermind. Though she never perjured herself and was telling the truth all along, she was used as a graphic example of what happens to victims willing to come forth and seek justice through the court for crimes perpetrated against them. John DeCamp believes at least fifteen people were murdered in order to silence them from bringing the case forward while hundreds of young lives were ruined during the years of horror.

Two days prior to George HW Bush’s election as the 41st President of the United States in 1988, Lawrence King’s Omaha credit union was raided, $38 million was missing and King was arrested, charged and eventually convicted for embezzlement, conspiracy and fraudulent accounting records for which he served ten years in prison. But he was never charged for sex abuse, sodomy, human trafficking, torture, murder, drug trafficking, pimping, perjury, extortion or blackmail for obvious reasons. He was protected by the most powerful men in the US government, many themselves criminal pedophiles. Since his release in 2001, Lawrence King has been once again put to work by the same powerful interests that have protected him. His job now is to keep those violated victims quiet by deploying mind control tactics from the CIA’s Monarch Project.

According to a Wayne Madsen Report dated eight months ago the FBI planted a bomb on the plane that the Nebraska state investigator Gary Caradori and his six year old son “AJ” flew that crashed on July 11, 1990. Though Caradori and his son attended the Major League All Star game on July 10, the main purpose of the trip from Nebraska to Chicago was to collect evidence in the Franklin scandal of thousands of photos explicitly showing powerful US politicians sexually abusing young boys and girls. Caradori phoned his wife prior to the flight home saying he had gotten what he came for. But they never made it home as the FBI bomb exploded their aircraft mid-transit. The local sheriffs at the crash site scene confirmed that numerous child pornography photos were scattered about. The FBI suddenly showed up and confiscated all evidence at the crash site. They also made sure to show up at Caradori’s office seizing all evidence there as well.

Years later a British documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” that was scheduled to be aired on the Discovery Channel in May 1994 was suddenly pulled in response to pressure from high above. Even that week’s TV Guide included the documentary title and description yet it never got shown on national television so as to not embarrass or incriminate the criminal thugs in power.

The largest circulated newspaper in Barcelona, Spain, the Pronto, has printed that the Franklin scandal “appears to directly implicate politicos of the state of Nebraska and Washington DC who are very close to the White House and George Bush himself.”

Decorated Vietnam War veteran, longtime attorney, former Nebraska state legislator and author of The Franklin Cover-up (second Edition, January 2005) John DeCamp concluded:

The Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence – federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.

This tragic cautionary tale demonstrates the evil that America’s leaders will resort to in order to protect themselves from accountability. America’s foremost ally Europe is just as evil. The UK has been gripped with the same chronic history of using children as sex objects by royal family members, lords, members of parliament, high court judges, and entertainment icons like Jimmie Savile. Even the BBC held back the truth of the revered British DJ up to 1,000 times over a span of more than 40 years, in effect allowing him to continue abusing thousands of children. And the same kind of scandals have rocked a number of other countries as well.

The alarming numbers of children and women being abducted, trafficked, murdered, forced into prostitution and slavery by international crime syndicates in recent years have been gaining increasing attention. Protecting those who are the most defenseless is our collective responsibility. Thousands of aboriginal children and women have disappeared from their homes in Canada. Since 1980 over 1200 First Nation women in Canada have either disappeared or been found murdered. Many women in Eastern Europe and East Asia have also suffered the same fate. It has become an extremely serious, most disturbing, growing global problem. Whether exploited and abused by the most powerful or not is irrelevant. Their plight should be our plight. It’s not enough just to know that this kind of evil occurs in the twenty-first century, we must become activists for the greater good of humanity.

A parallel process of unforgivable criminality has remained in the churches for centuries. Those individuals that our society entrusts in positions of authority and leadership – be they in government or religion – who betray our trust and violate us in the most demonic ways must be held accountable. Yet those imbued with such absolute power have historically and ruthlessly protected themselves by sabotaging, suppressing and destroying their victims and their dirty truth from ever taking them down. The morally bankrupt and thoroughly broken system of power corrupts and at the top, anything goes – murder, rape, torture, it doesn’t matter. Up to this point, they have remained untouchable, immune from any real consequence. But times are a-changing. More individuals in good conscience are courageously coming forth in valiant efforts to hold those guilty at the top accountable for the evil acts they’ve committed. We as citizens of the world must demand that the truth be told and that justice finally be done.

Pedophilia is a severe mental disorder that is next to impossible to effectively treat as the recidivism rate remains off the charts. Once a pedophile, nearly always a serial pedophile until one gets caught and apprehended. There is no cure. A Massachusetts study confirmed that 56% of those who underwent comprehensive treatment were rearrested for the same crime. Considering that most sex offenders’ crimes don’t even get reported much less the guilty get arrested, pedophiles repeat their crime on average of 13 times before they’re caught. Since their position grants them immunity, those pedophiles in power who avoid arrest and incarceration will only continue committing their serial crimes indefinitely.

As a licensed California therapist who for many years worked closely with sexually and physically abused youth and adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds, I can attest firsthand to the permanent damage perpetrated on our most innocent and defenseless population. The victims of this sordid evil have had their innocence of childhood ripped violently from them, never to be restored. They will suffer from traumatic memories they will never be able to forget. A child automatically blames him or herself for the violence done to them. They internalize the false belief that they deserve to be used and abused, that at the core level they are inherently flawed, evil and unworthy of love, that in fact it is their child role in the world of adults to be victimized. Unless they undergo often times years of intensive therapy and treatment, typically childhood victims of sexual and physical abuse are sentenced to a lifetime of pain and despair. Frequently their lives are cut short because they self-medicate their trauma through alcohol and drugs. They form relationships with abusive others in adolescence and adulthood. Child sexual abuse is likely the most under-reported and under-treated crime in America. They risk an ultimate fate of committing suicide at significantly higher rates than those who were not sexually abused as children. Suicide is the third leading cause of death between the ages of 15-24.

A brilliant 27-year old man studying in a PhD program at Princeton was a child sexual abuse victim. He wrote a suicide note expressing the deep sorrow and rage that victims rarely escape. An extract from that note:

My first memories as a child are of being raped, repeatedly. This has affected every aspect of my life. This darkness, which is the only way I can describe it, has followed me like a fog, but at times intensified and overwhelmed me, usually triggered by a distinct situation… The damage that was done to my body still prevents me from using the bathroom normally, but now it’s less of a physical impediment than a daily reminder of what was done to me… The darkness is with me nearly every time I wake up. I feel like a grime is covering me. I feel like I’m trapped in a contaminated body that no amount of washing will clean. Whenever I think about what happened I feel manic and itchy and can’t concentrate on anything else. It manifests itself in hours of eating or staying up for days at a time or sleeping for sixteen hours straight or week long programming binges or constantly going to the gym. I’m exhausted from feeling like this every hour of every day.

Why is the government refusing to really crack down on pedophiles, even though they give much lip service that they are doing so. Why do American courts use the First Amendment to protect Pornography?

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.

Recently my local paper began to run the pictures of convicted pedophiles living in my hometown. Reports of the number from the national register are astounding. Stories from all across America of convicted pedophiles killing children are exposing the fact that government is really protecting pedophiles, not children.

Recently I interviewed Senator John DeCamp about his book "The Franklin Cover-Up Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska". I am shocked at how our government covers up and protects child sex rings operating right here in America. Even after 80 children came forward with allegations, the child ring in Nebraska was never investigated. This pattern is not new.

In the 1950's our federal government funded a sexual deviate, Dr. Alfred Kinsey, to research sexual effects on children as young as 6 months. Dr. Kinsey and friends should have been imprisoned and given the death penalty, not paid millions of taxpayers' dollars.

Sex slavery has boomed to involve over 800,000 women and children because of the policies of our government. Some estimate that 20,000 to 50,000 victims are Americans. Our border policies protect drug and human traffickers. The policies of sexualizing our children in public schools and the support and promotion of pornography have fueled this industry. Our country has finally addressed this problem by creating a report and giving 96 million dollars to other countries. Why are there not more arrests of those who deal in human trafficking?

Matter of fact, I am not aware of any arrests or prosecutions in my lifetime.

Our government continues its protection of child molesters by funding Planned Parenthood and not regulating the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood performs abortions on young girls without contacting proper authorities or their parents. It is a great cover for "dirty old men". Mark Crutcher with Life Dynamics has uncovered the abuse of young girls and women in the abortion clinics but the federal government still sends Planned Parenthood about $300 million a year -- almost doubled since the Clinton administration!

Government continues its protections by having lax laws that make it easier for child predators to continue their evil deeds throughout their life time. They even give them Viagra to increase their sexual drive! A prolific pedophile who claims to have abused children 36,000 times, was recently arrested. He has been allowed to run free to attack again and again because of our ineffective laws. Not all sexual predators have to register in my state due to a loophole in the law. In most cases animal abusers get more jail time than child abusers. Even the American Psychological Association and the American Pediatric Association are joining the band wagon by urging the normalization of "intergenerational sex".

Florida lawmakers are now trying to convince you that they have really gotten tough on pedophile deviates with their new laws. Incredibly, they only increased the jail time for abusers of 11 year olds and younger. Why not 16 and under? Florida parents had better rent a body guard for their 12 year olds. Why do repeat offender laws not apply to pedophiles? Knowing that most pedophiles are repeat offenders, why are they ever let out of jail? Especially since a new report exposes the law enforcement agencies' inability to track sexual predators. In Alabama our laws protect pedophile Roman Catholic priests by allowing knowledge of their abuse to remain secret. Vatican laws have precedence over Alabama laws in the case of child abuse.

Why is our First amendment being used to protect porn? Child porn is protected by our government if the photographer puts a nice cover on it and calls it "art". We know now that the porn industry pays our politicians handsomely.

How come our government does not close down the hideous gay man-boy love advocacy group, NAMBLA? Especially after their threat to come after our sons. Why is our government punishing the boy scouts and spending so much money teaching the "virtues" of sexual "diversity and tolerance"? Why is the Pentagon doing business with DynCorp knowing its involvement in child porn and possible human trafficking? Why did the U.S. Supreme court rule last year that animated child pornography is legal? Americans should be demanding answers for these questions.

In America, our inalienable rights come from our Creator, Jesus Christ. With those rights, He does not give anyone the right to do wrong. Nor for our judges and government officials to hijack our First amendment right to acknowledge God and use it to outlaw God. They then turn around and use it to allow pornography which then fuels the abuse of women and children.

There are many reasons this government needs to be reformed from stem to stern. The lack of justice and promoting the general welfare of pedophiles and perverts is my number one reason.

This unrelenting tide of wickedness is covering our entire land. Remember that End of the Age prophecy?

"But wicked men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and being deceived and led astray themselves." (2 Timothy 3:13; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

With the information provided in this article, we surely are at the very End of the Age -- when governments protect sexual predators and pedophiles.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist.

What are the global elite trying to do? … Everything! A dark, New World Order is now moving on a swift track of global governance. Consolidation into a global government. A quote from Henry Kissinger last year printed in the Wall Street Journal said, “The Corona Virus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order”! The Covid-19 pandemic/lockdown is still being used to reset everything:

Globalization (Covid-19 policies now govern all countries. You might want to check the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India and Singapore”s Ministry of Health for example.)
Big Government
Economy (Yes, we have extreme economic devastation in the U.S. and around the world. They want to lower our standard of living!)
Employment (Small businesses are greatly affected and will be rooted out, and a large number have totally disappeared.) Corporations have been and will be tracking their employees’ health. Thermal cameras and monitoring used.
“Sustainable” Healthcare
Food and water (We need access to clean, healthy sources, but GMOs, fluoride, and glyphosate are damaging to humans and the environment!)
Housing (Single family homes will be deemed unsustainable. Therefore, we would be required to live in tiny apartments.)
Education (Our children have been brainwashed by the globalist narrative long enough!)
Surveillance (Example: Contact Tracing. Bluetooth technology is being used — tracking us, where we go and what we buy.)
Technology (The Covid-19 vaccine/device is completely different and changes the human body and will alter the human genome as we know it)
Gender Identification
Our human bodies (Yes, with this dangerous Big Tech vaccine device, our bodies will be changed.) Do NOT get injected with this experimental Big Tech device.
Human Depopulation Agenda (Wars. Abortion. Medical mistakes. The Covid-19 vaccine device may cause infertility.)
This is human exploitation.

So, the world stage a.k.a. trap has been set, dear reader. The United Nations (UN) will require many rules to be in place for this world to operate because they will mandate all UN States with their malignant global policies. They are cunningly moving us “towards sustainable development for all”. (Sounds good but, it’s NOT!) The think tank for the UN is the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). The UN databases are full of information on YOU. On all of us.

Caution! Be careful not to let the globalists pit us against each other! They’ve already tried to do this, especially with the false dichotomy of “Republican vs. Democrat”. But both sides are fallible.

However, hold on… There may still be some hope because some things are about to happen. Yes, the situation is volatile. We cannot stand by and let this country go to the devil! Silicon Valley is censoring top voices in America, but our great country is full of great, brave people. However, Marxists like Zuckerberg via Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple will try to block communication and are trying to pull a coup to overthrow the government. (Notice the same controlling shareholders in all of these social media groups!)

Our internet may go down for a bit. There may be more news broadcast from the Emergency Broadcast System (EAS) this month, so get prepared.

Congress flipped against truth and voted to accept the fraudulent Biden electors, making Joe Biden the “president-elect.”

Trump did NOT concede, and the “transition of power” doesn’t necessarily mean a transition to Biden

Under the cover of night, the treasonous US Congress voted to install CCP puppet Joe Biden into the White House, confirming his fraudulent slate of electors as accepted. A few hours later, Trump issued a statement about a “transition of power.” Here it is:

Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!

Trump released a video that contained a “proclamation to disperse.” This was the video in which he told everybody to “go home in peace.”

This statement, it turns out, is a necessary step to invoke the militia or US armed forces to defend the republic.

10 USC Section 254 is called “Proclamation to disperse” and it explains:

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

That is exactly what Trump did yesterday.

He then boarded Air Force One and flew to a military base in Texas, where he could be safe from any kinetic coup attempt in the swamp of Washington D.C. U.S.A.

Government and Elite Pedophile Activity Explained

There are some choice examples provided in this article with links. Remember, government pedophile activity is protected by the main stream media because a pyramid of complete control exists, where the person below someone on the pyramid is threatened daily (indirectly or directly) to comply to all wishes of the people who serve above them. Welcome to the “hedonism gone wild” and satanic society, which masquerades daily as civilized, cutting edge, and forward thinking. This can also create trauma bonding. It’s time people start to pay attention….

Click here for a pdf copy of 465 page unsealed court transcripts of Ghislaine Maxwell (the woman that worked with convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.)


Lawlessness! The majority of what’s going on today is being done by non-elected people! Congress did NOT do their duty on January 6, 2020. Our Electoral College failed us… but should it be annihilated? No, we still need our Electoral College. We believe there is an evil process in the works to bring about a new constitutional amendment that would totally wipe out the electoral college shortly. We have been witnesses to the rule of law being destroyed across the country! The powers- that- be have incrementally been at work revising the way the electoral college works. There have been electoral college reform bills that have been proposed to switch to a district system or switch to a national popular vote; “switch” is the key word. We must beware of states joining a National Popular Vote Compact (NPV)! Who are these people, anyway?

We should NOT be resting in a nest of unelected bureaucrats… The global elite want the United States just to be related to the North American Union — Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Once again, our congress AND state legislatures have betrayed us. Did your state legislator call for an audit on the fraudulent election? Vice President Pence is acting like a traitor. The sitting Vice President presides over the meeting of the Electoral College. We have not even had an audit from states where the heavy election fraud occurred. Rigged elections have shown how blatant the communist players have become.

Criminals will be revealed, but when?… Sometimes we need to know where to look.

Civil War! Why? Because we have had biological warfare loosed upon us, AND it’s getting serious in other parts of the world. The pandemic has been pre-planned for many years.

What else is being covered up here? This new socialist movement paid for by the global elite and corporate oligarchy (nasty global elites like George Soros, Bill Gates, the Clinton Foundation, and Big Tech) are determined to take down America. Sadly, Americans have been subjects of the socialist controlled media that twists and turns true news into whatever they see fit. Lies, pretensions, and actors/ players, including political players on the scene will be filmed, and they will play out their part to be broadcast on the news as the truth.

Cyber warfare was deployed on American elections! The violent ANTIFA/BLM was loosed on D.C. Capitol and to deny that these people were not in the violence is asinine. Will these ANTIFA criminals ransack, burn, and loot other major cities across the United States like they committed over the summer of 2020? We have endured domestic terrorism all last year. Could there be human trafficking and other dark atrocities that have occurred that need covered-up among the political elite? Our government is NOT what it seems.

What should be noticed and brought to your attention is that the paedophiles are in positions of high power and will protect all other known paedophiles and their dirty secret agenda. This recent example from a New York Times article dated January 7, 2021, reveals more than meets the eye. This New York City Administration for Child Services severe ties with Columbia University Professor Theo Sandfort. Child Services in every state should be checked out! An example would be New Mexico where Epstein’s ranch was located. Many suspect that this was a hot-spot of human trafficking and more vile crimes!

Jesuit-type militant infiltration! Our universities, our churches, our schools, and our government agencies — or anywhere that handles children — should be closely watched and supervised. Child predators are in our government. With all the human trafficking involved that was exposed from the Jeffrey Epstein case and the Clintons, we should know that we cannot trust the “almighty government” to guard our security… or the safety of our children! Why did the FBI continue to let that demented and dangerous man operate so freely at an international level around the world? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ) , Juvenile Services, the Department of Labor, the U.S. Attorney General’s Office, etc. If Military Tribunals are our only answer, then the year 2121 could be very turbulent.

Many government men in the justice system have FAILED to protect the public! William Barr, the current U.S. Attorney General, should resign from public office! Just one quick glance at the list of United States Attorney Generals should show you how corrupt the justice system has become!

Supposed suicide (by hanging) of Epstein: Chief Medical Examiner of New York City, Barbara Sampson, and coroner for the criminals and crooked politicians, Dr. Michael Boden (should be in his 80s now), was brought in to supposedly verify the autopsy of the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and the federal prosecutor went along with this. Remember, Dr. Boden is the shady coroner that was brought in to examine JFK and Martin Luther King Jr. at the time of their murders. He was additionally brought in on the O.J. Simson case.

WAKE UP! These organizations walk all over the Constitution! We have had a very fraudulent election that needs to be exposed. Our action plan should include contacting or checking into these UNconstitutional organizations because they closely direct every elected executive office in each state — for instance, ALL governors, ALL Secretaries of State are vulnerable to the influence:

Election Information by State
National Association of State Election Officials
National Association of Secretaries of State
National Governors Association
Council of State Governments
National Conference of State Legislatures
NOTE: Remember, you can go to our website and use the “Search” box to search terms.

To understand Regional Government, it is necessary to know what Metropolitan Government (Metro) involves because Metro and Regional Government are really the same. Metro/Regional Government is the governing of an area or region by a central body of appointed (NOT elected) officials who have unlimited and sickening unconstitutional power! Promoters of Regional Government claim that it is a new form of government, but it is the oldest form in history: a dictatorship. Please try to understand just how big this leviathan has grown during the 20th Century! This monster is coiled, twisted, and deadly! Our country has been poisoned with frightful unconstitutional government. It has been writhing throughout governments across the planet! Nations have been threatened and forced to give up their sovereignty. Our once-great nation has had our constitutional protections dismantled incrementally while we slumbered and slept!

What is their evil endgame? Well, for starters, it is abolishing local governments. It tells local governments to bow to “the agenda” and move forward. How is “the global agenda” implemented locally? That’s what the National Association of Counties (NACo) has been busy doing for years!

NACo admits: This link claims that 48 of 50 states have operational county governments. “Connecticut and Rhode Island are divided into geographic regions called counties, but they do not have functioning [county] governments.” County governments need to WAKE UP and regain local control before they go the way of Connecticut and Rhode Island!

Locally: We hear a lot about the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC), the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL), the Arkansas Municipal League, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The stranglehold that these Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have on our state (including our legislators and governor) and on our counties and cities is much worse than you think! All of these NGO groups are funded with your tax dollars, grants, and lobby money, and unfortunately, many state legislators pridefully tout their involvement with Council of State Governments (CSG), and they appear unwilling or unable to shake loose of it. Their connections to CSG (and other NGOs like American Legislative Exchange Council/ALEC and National Conference of State Legislatures/NCSL) may be found in their biographies on the Arkansas State Legislature website (or on any state website). Also, CSG has subsidized stealth lobbyists to work in our state capitols with LOTS of taxpayer money to advance their corporate agenda. We’re talking about a MULTI MILLION DOLLAR budget, funded mostly by taxpayers. That means YOUR MONEY!

Are you willing to sit back and continually allow the NGOs (unelected officials) to run your city, county, school districts (producing children that are being socially engineered and heavily medicated!) and state government?

Remember, back in June 2017, that we all found out that none of our Arkansas county local elected officials or state legislatures were notified by the National Association of Counties (NACo) or Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) about submitting their official comments to the EPA and weighing in on the definition of “navigable waters”.

Did NACo/Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) fail in NOT officially and directly informing Arkansas’ 75 counties of their duty to submit a comment about this strategically and desperately important waters of the United States (WOTUS) issue??? YES! Also, it appears it happened in all other states, too. Looks like they failed to act on purpose… deliberately neglectful! It has been reported to Secure Arkansas that the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) decided to “sit this one out”! This was regarding our WATER, folks!

It is time for the government to terminate their membership in all of the covetous NGOs (and some are International NGOs) in which they have memberships. We are reminding the reader once again that it’s your tax dollars that are funding these NGOs and keeping them alive. Are we funding our own destruction?

More about the Council of State Governments (CSG): The organization chart of these 22 wolfish NGOs found by clicking here (and included in the body of the article directly below) shows “the network”, controlled by CSG and developed by the selfish and powerful Rockefellers, to indoctrinate our public officials and redirect the course of American government so it could be managed by global government. These twenty-two (22) NGOs (bullet-pointed below) were originally housed in a building located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois. This building was constructed with a $3 million dollar grant from the Rockefeller Foundation as reported in the Spelman Fund Annual Report of 1947-1948. This is where Metropolitan/Regional Government first got its start. The goal of this ruthless group — CSG — is to work secretly behind the scenes to undermine elected officials and independent thinking, eradicate personal property, destroy constitutional government and our political system, and subvert the sovereignty of the United States. This group is considered the political Mail Order law factory for providing model bills to state, county, and city government. This means that it dictates policy and drafts legislation to make laws the same throughout the United States. This is all part of the global collectivist agenda that the United Nations has been planning since its founding in the 1940s.

Political Law Factory – drafting legislation to rob millions of Americans of their freedom.

1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois

United Nations’ disturbing involvement: Notice that the chart pictured above (and more easily viewed here) mentions UNITED NATIONS and UNESCO — Public Law 565. Joint Resolution 305 became Public Law 565 of 1946.

It states that it’s a “JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for membership and participation by the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and authorizing an appropriation therefore.”

It goes on to say:

“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is hereby authorized to accept membership for the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”), the constitution of which was approved in London on November 16, 1945, by the United Nations Conference for the establishment of an Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and deposited in the Archives of the Government of the United Kingdom.”

See how this convoluted, wicked web has been spun over the ENTIRE PLANET… entrapping all governments of the world, including the United States?!

Getting a clue in your own state and the interdependence between government and NGOs: The groups below are pretty much controlled and run by Council of State Governments (CSG) and financed by the American taxpayers at the federal level, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) formally known as the Bureau of the Budget (founded in 1921). OMB acts in liaison capacity with CSG and gathers together proposals on which federal agencies push state approval. CSG created its Committee on Suggested State Legislation and established a cooperative arrangement with National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) which provides CSG with a handy network through State Commissioners on Uniform Laws.

The Council of State Governments (CSG) is working with all forms of government, and it’s complicated! Here’s their agenda: —CSG is the permanent administrative office or secretariat for the National Governors Association; the Conference of Chief Justices; the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL); the National Associations of Attorneys General, State Budget Officers, and State Purchasing Officials; the Parole and Probation Compact Administrators’ Association; the Juvenile Compact Administrators’ Association; and the National Conference of Court Administrative Officers. The Council has a cooperative arrangement with the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Objectives of “the Council” (CSG) are to assist or control all the state governments to look alike in their legislative, administrative, and judicial practices and services, to force interstate cooperation, and also – to facilitate and force federal to state relations and to force state to local relations. This means that CSG’s job is to make sure that policies being generated at the federal level are carried out statewide and locally.

American Public Human Services Association (founded in 1930 — formerly American Public Welfare Association)
American Public Works Association (founded in 1894)
American Planning Association (founded in 1934 — formerly American Society of Planning Officials)
American Society of Public Administration (founded in 1939)
Council of State Governments (founded in 1933)
Committee for International Municipal Cooperation U.S.A. (founded in 1933) – CSG interlocks with this committee which transmits funds raised in the United States to International Union of Local Authorities
Conference of Chief Justices (founded in 1949)
Federation of Tax Administrators (founded in 1937)
Government Finance Officers Association (founded in 1906 — formerly Municipal Finance Officers Association)
International Association of Assessing Officers (founded in 1934)
International Code Council (ICC) (founded in 1915 — formerly Building Officials Conference of America – Ceased to exist 2004)
International City/County Management Association (founded in 1914)
International Institute of Municipal Clerks (founded in 1947)
National Association of Attorneys General (founded in 1907)
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (founded in 1933)
National Association of State Budget Officers (founded in 1945)
National Association of State Procurement Official (founded in 1947)
National Conference of State Legislatures (founded in 1948 — formerly National Legislative Conference)
National Governors Association (founded in 1908. This is where your governor is captured.)
National League of Cities (founded in 1924 — formerly American Municipal Association)
Public Administration Service (founded in 1933)
Public Personnel Association (founded in 1906)
Getting a clue locally for your state: We are caught in such a tightly weaved, wicked web, it’s hard to move, let alone have any freedoms. The government and the NGOs are debauched and gluttonous. They are involved in a money-grabbing, symbiotic relationship, meaning very tightly woven together to create a dictatorship. How? By the NGOs writing the state legislation AND even supplying local policies to be implemented by the government. Global to local! This is NOT good.

Note: So now the content on this channel may cover lots of controversial topics and explore differing perspectives. It is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. Views expressed by guests or in comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the channel owner. We encourage respectful dialogue and open-mindedness. However, viewers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking when engaging with the content. This channel does not endorse or condone any form of hate speech, discrimination, or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

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