A Tot Boy Hates Losing Musical Chairs Game

6 years ago

I bet you all know what “Musical Chairs” game is. But just in case if some of you don’t here is a very short intro for this funny game. It’s a kind of an elimination game that involves players, chairs (one fewer than players), and music. When the music stops all players try to sit on one of the chairs, and the one that fails to do so, fall out of the game! It’s pretty simple and super fun! But if one of the players gets too competitive, the thing can become totally hilarious! Just check out this video and see it for yourself! It shows a group of kids play musical chairs in the living room and when the music stops a tot boy misses his chance to get on a chair, so he pushes the boy on the chair off of it and gets on it. OMG, can you believe that?! This little boy will do anything to win this game! LOL!

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