Hilarious Wedding Mishap

6 years ago

Planning for the wedding can be really stressful. There is a lot of things to think about. There is the venue, then the church. Or there’s the question if you even want to go to the church. Another thing is food. Seems like everyone’s thinking the food is the most important topic. If you are a woman you need to choose a wedding dress. That can be stressful too!\nBut the bride from this video doesn’t have to think about it anymore. She and her soon to be husband finished everything. Now it’s the moment to enjoy the day. Or they only thought that. As the video begins, we see a bride and her father going down the aisle. People around are setting the white linen cloth for them to walk on. We see them struggling to set it straight and it seems at first they will not manage to do it on time. But they did it! Yay! However, at the moment when a cute boy starts walking on it, linen cloth starts pulling away. LOL! What a mishap!

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