Star Trek: Dakota - S01E04 - Home For the Brave Part 2

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Join us for the thrilling continuation of Star Trek Adventures 2e: Home for the Brave!
The stakes have never been higher as the U.S.S. Dakota crew faces challenges on all fronts. Ha’lor and Finn remain trapped in the Holodeck, reliving Earth’s tumultuous Ancient West—with the safeties off and danger all too real. Lieutenant Meru lies injured, and Mr. Red has tragically fallen, but hope persists: the Doctor has saved the Captain’s life during a harrowing ion storm, sending her consciousness into the Holodeck to aid her stranded crew.
Meanwhile, Acting Captain Xib8 grapples with diplomacy and crisis management, tending to the injured Tholain Ambassador and her fragile clutch while Doctor Marsden fights to stabilize their condition. With Lieutenant N’Simi at the helm, the Dakota pushes forward toward the R’yanok system, tasked with representing the Federation in a delicate negotiation over treaty violations.
Their ultimate goal: uncover the mystery of the U.S.S. Brave, found adrift in unauthorized space. What secrets does it hold, and what forces conspired to leave it abandoned? The answers could shape the future of the Federation—or spell its doom.
Adventure, intrigue, and danger await in this gripping chapter of Star Trek Adventures. Will the crew triumph, or will the Brave's legacy end in tragedy?

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