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3 months ago

I describe 'Q' as a 'Christian Military Intelligence Operation'. This is due to the fact that the evidence is overwhelming. Q & the team have access to everything the NSA has ever collected (and that of over a dozen other US Intelligence Agencies), not to mention the fact that 'Q' has said ten times: “WE HAVE IT ALL.” They know exactly what has been going on, as the Criminal Surveillance State, thanks to 'Q', has been turned upon itself. Glory be to God!

This is an excellent, well done, and concise documentary with all the information anyone needs to understand what's been happening, is happening, and why. It details the amazing timeline in easy to understand detail and articulates the mechanics of the 'Q' Operation, which will serve as a wealth of information to archive, for generations to come.

As responsible citizens, can you, those you know, and those who refuse to acknowledge the authenticity of 'Q', or even agree to look into it for themselves, in good conscience, continue to simply ignore this? When you put Kim Clement Prophecies, together with 'Q', I personally cannot comprehend how anyone can 'not' accept it's validity? The FACTS and Prophetic Words speak for themselves!!

What a time to be alive!! We have been blessed beyond measure to have been chosen to witness what God is doing for such a time as this.

My Suggestion:
After viewing this documentary, read the following document, 'ON Q', by Martin Geddes:


And then, watch the documentary again.
And then SHARE this video far & wide.

Derek Johnson is the Author of the book, "The Midnight Rider Rides Again". It documents ALL the military orders behind this historic effort.
You can find it online at Amazon, or at his website: rattletrap1776.com
Also, all documentation is available at: thedocuments.info

All CREDIT and THANKS to Aanon55 for the outstanding video.

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🌺 Thank you in advance if you are able to help with even a $5/month donation. It will make a difference and definitely help me with the ongoing expenses. I've never run ads, nor marketed any product or service to those who watch my podcasts since God called me to this ministry to serve in this war of Good vs Evil. 🙏


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  • 0/2000
  • Thank you for the lesson we should have gotten in school. Hope the next generation will learn this, so it will not happen again.

  • The background music is annoying