all voluntary until it's not!

1 month ago

Covid with added functions was mere word soup to get past treaties that made biological and chemical weapons violations against humanity. Eu,Un, Us,French Darpa, CIA, Others all planned played roles in delivering A Globalist solution of a bio-economic weapon of mass global capacity to tip the scales of power and enslave the public around the globe. MRNA vaccines were first used for Ebola.. the failings and dangers of such Mrna delivery to cause immune response in humans was sufficient to avoid at all costs. but Trump was lied to in orders to create a massive long-term relationship with all people's to become dependent on future required vaccines. Doctors profited under guidance from caseworkers who advised best care solutions to hospitals to send patients to the lowest levels of care event to hospice with sufficient opiates to end life. but when asked to pro ide Hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or hyperbaric oxygen therapies. those superior methods with blocked by caseworkers under Medicare Medicaid And by Fascism mandated throughout the USA. EVILDOERS have not been held accountable for this. maybe never shall until judgement day. what is your thoughts. I know they murdered millions..

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