US Military Power ROTTEN From Within. Collapse Immanent | Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski 11-23-2024

3 months ago

US Military Power ROTTEN From Within. Collapse Immanent | Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski 11-23-2024
(Please Note: I am not an insider or expert on the U.S. Military, and thus cannot confirm her statements. This is the opinion of Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski)
8,748 views Nov. 23, 2024
Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski - Neutrality Studies
[Part 1 of 2] The US has lost the ability to produce the implements of war to win in Ukraine, and it is running low on what it needs to defend the homeland. At the same time, it's military is running out of recruits and the grift inside the MIC is so large that even with the biggest military budget in history, the country can hardly maintain its global footprint. What happened?
Well, decades and decades of mismanagement and overreach are finally taking a toll that even a superpower can't ignore.
Today I‘m talking to Dr. Karen Katauski, a fierce US critic of her countries military overreach. Her strong opposition to foreign wars is particularly stinging to the Military Industrial Complex as she was for 20 years a member of the US armed forces. She became a popular figure when she first spoke out on the lies the Pentagon told regarding the second invasion of Iraq.
Dr. Katauski is a retired Lt Col with a PhD in World Politics from the Catholic University of America and a masters degree in Government from Harvard.
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