Why You NEED IODINE for Optimal Health

23 hours ago

In this video we discuss all things Iodine! What it is, why all humans require it, the foods that contain iodine and the different forms of available supplementation.

Iodine is an essential mineral used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and development. Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied by foods and beverages. When iodine intake is poor, the body cannot produce enough thyroid hormones.
Iodine deficiency in pregnancy is a worldwide problem and has become a global public health concern since it is identified as the leading cause of preventable brain damage in newborns and infants due to inadequate intake.

Iodine (as iodide) is widely but unevenly distributed in the earth's environment. In many regions, leaching from glaciations, flooding, and erosion have depleted surface soils of iodide, and most iodide is found in the oceans. Iodine cycling in many regions is slow and incomplete, leaving soils and drinking water iodine depleted. Iodine deficiency in populations residing in low-iodine areas will persist until iodine enters the food chain through addition of iodine to foods (e.g., iodization of salt) or dietary diversification introduces foods produced outside the iodine-deficient area.

Hypothyroidism, thyroid gland enlargement (goiter) and weight gain are other conditions that may result from too little iodine intake. Many individuals continue to have insufficient iodine intakes, especially those who have low consumption of dairy, seafood and iodized salt.
With iodine deficiency listed as the leading cause of intellectual disability around the world, iodine is an important component for healthy brain development.

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