1 month ago

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PART TWO with JACO and more incredible details that Juan discusses on a level of hard facts and interesting history.
The real way that Good Journalism should work. Each podcast community has it's own interest. Full program here:
The Ukraine situation is the focus here. And the Playbook is the same as Syria and Benghazi. So you don't know everything because the general news is so shallow. The deep details are really interesting. Firsthand knowledge is always the best. Full program with Jaco here.
Chemical Weapons that were STAGED as a means to an end. This is true! It was to get the WEST involved... unbelievable. Training bases full of actors.
Syria was the centerpiece of conflict for many years. This and the TRUE Benghazi Story will make your head spin. McCain, Russia, Bush, Dick Cheney the DARK FORCES. Leading to IRAQ. And this also points to the Falconeer Alan Perrot please see Feathered Cocaine: Follow the Falcon find the Terrorist.
Ukraine is doing the SAME THING NOW. It is a media BLITZ that is all ILLUSION. Trump is going to end this DAY ONE.
This gets really interesting about the RED CRESCENT society.
Diversion, Wars and RUMORS of Wars.
Juan then talks about the J6 event and the facts that are now coming forward. Treniss Evans and Juan and Dave Sumrall put together Bloody Hill ... you need to see it if you want the real story. and
They also talk about the potential for the 25th Amendment to be used. And that the Brunson Case may hinge on if the certification of the vote might become a hinge point.
The end game is looking like the timing is only GODS.
The Andromeda Strain an interesting comparison.
Will this be upon us? The way in a moment in time.. makes the decision against LIFE and DEATH. This might be your decision.
Juan ends with a great PRAYER for you.

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