PART 1 - JUAN O SAVIN - Scott Bennett's Death, Tina Peters, Brunson - JACO-11-22-2024

2 months ago

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PART ONE Jaco asks Juan a couple questions and Juan gives the details. Scott Bennett's Life and some of the details of his work, Scott was a great hero. And the LIFE that he lived was quite unique. He gave his all for the Cause he sought to fix. He died yesterday morning in a Hospice in Hilo HI. God Rest his soul. A good man. Full show:
Tina Peters is sitting in Jail seeking Bond during appeal in Mesa Co. Colorado. And we will overturn this conviction please PRAY! This is going to take time and many revelations.
Juan does a great job of clearing up some rumors and ways the Brunson Lawsuit has been misrepresented. Some details that you have not heard yet but is absolutely true. Please stop following channels that take things out of CONTEXT! please.
more details about Scott's Life from a close friend

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