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15 seconds

15 seconds

Smurf Account GAMING

Streamed on:



  • 0/2000
  • no sound

  • anyone have a clue WTF this was all about? 🤷

  • How are you feeling Tore? I’m not a gamer and thought you had a show when I was running errands and saw the notifications and couldn’t wait to get home! 😆 Hope you’re feeling ok and are enjoying your gaming today! 😀 Thank you for all you do and I’m so glad I found you in 2018 (through a friend on HHI SC) and fully utilized your knowledge by 2020. Without you, I’d be lost out here! What you share, I share far and wide! I do the best I can to support you! Oh, will you mention this up coming week on the Colorado booklets? I missed the deal line due to family issues when the date was pushed up. I did order! ☺️ Love you! 😍 Take care this weekend and rest up and snuggle with Biscuit! NYx’s on look out (Gorgeous Girl) of course and has a beautiful home because of you! ❤️ Your girls are so lucky to have you as their momma! Stim is a great looking catch and I love how he loves you! ❤️ God Bless You Tore! ❤️🇺🇸❤️ Rambling over!

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  • FYI: Sound starts just after 58 minute mark.

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  • lost your motivation? I think you can find it here 💪 https://rumble.com/v5rc8u8-glow-up-1.html

  • Strategy games, Same game engine from 20 years ago. du. Best game was BattleZone, Flying ships, wingman etc... Razor.... Multiplayer and not to long for a match.

  • In my original world line I know ToreSays from her Minecraft SMP youtube series, with a re-occuring cast featuring the Gavin Free clan Her own clan and a few friends who actually over there too choose to never be in the public eye played with a voice changer and V-tuber avatar. JSchlatt retires after the things he did in 1999 catch up with him to work off stream with you guys (I think your Schlatt is safe from that fate, if 1999 ever becomes public over here he wouldn't get canceled since banning Dream stans more than makes up for what happened back then) Bergy co-writes the plot lines with JSchlatt but it's kind of secretive amongst fans since some people feel like having writers must mean it's all fake, funny how similar yet different things can wind up being the same down the line, given this WL is only 9.21% diverged from the one I escaped from to be here originally, can you believe they thought I wouldn't come back after the time they took my eye's just to break my will, didn't work, came back and dipped outta there before they could do it again by following some tik-tok dance meditation, so sorry folks no singularity harnessing tech or knowledge to share (unless you can share more about happened in Beirut or EVEN better what did my mom see when she called me panicked because she saw something vanish in front of her eyes and I didn't believe her until 2-3 SUVs showed up to sweep the area with guns drawn and some sort of bag they kept dropping in a seemingly intentional manner, like how did they know to show up when they did and why was an armed response necessary? I assume it wasn't my mom telling me about what most would dismiss as a waking dream, given they showed no attention to her peeking out the window and taking pics (some of which later go missing from MY laptop SSD, just the ones suggesting the thing my mom saw may have moved a car, for me the bigger confirmation of anything was that someone with backdoor access removed such a specific file, ya know?)

  • Not interested in gaming. ???

  • awesome channel droped you a like and follow much love im also a streamer