Presuppositions Translations and Texts Intro

1 month ago

If you are not familiar with presuppositional apologetics check out our series here:
• Street Presupp

When there are questions of textual variants I argue we should trust what the church from the reformation received by reason of use (providentially and organically as opposed to a council) over centuries (a corporate act over many countries for centuries to this day). And not an 'everyman decides for himself the original text from all the variants- and translates it himself' approach. The church from the reformation onward has declared that the text they were using is "being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical so as in all controversies of religion the Church is finally to appeal unto them." note #4-5, 8 here- I believe that because of the impossibility of the contrary (presupp).
The self attesting nature of scripture is appealed to by John Calvin in his Institutes (Book 1 Ch.VII sec.4-5, Ch.VIII sec.1,V), the Westminster confession (IV, VIII,IX, X), Belgic confession (Articles5 and 7) the 1689 London Baptist Confession, also in the larger Westminster catechism (question4) the 1658 Savoy Declaration #5. These all appealed to the self attesting witness of the Spirit to the scripture, even though, as Calvin asserted, in face of the murmurings of the wicked, certain worthy persons “have not a clear proof at hand to silence them” (reference above). He contends that the Spirit confirms the faith of the godly “inwardly”. The 1689 Confession states the “authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, dependeth not upon the testimony of any man or church, but wholly upon God”. This is evidence, just not of the empirical soft science sort. The Spirit taught these believers inwardly well before the empiricist’s discovery of the “oldest most reliable manuscripts”. see here

A nice summary of the field- • English Bible Translations Family Tree

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