Cruel Boy Tease His Older Brother

6 years ago

Siblings can be quite cruel to each other! This is a very common thing in all families, however, the little boy in this video reached the whole new level of cruelty! \nHere you’ll see two brothers chilling on the sofa. The younger one is eating a lollipop, while the older one only watches. And cries. Yep, he wants a lollipop as well, and he cries about it. But then, the younger brother felt sorry for him and offered him his lollipop! Awww… How amazing! This little kid obviously knows that sharing is caring.\nBut wait! Just as the older brother reached out his hand to take the lollipop, the younger brother changed his mind and put it back into his own mouth! What??? This is sooo cruel! LOL! And of course, the older brother started screaming at once. Well, this little kid needs to learn a lesson or two about sharing! This is just not okay, although I admit, it’s hilarious!

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