Hour of Decision SEGMENT 2: The RINO Problem

1 month ago

Host: Lew Moore

In the light of Trump’s emerging struggle with the Senate over Cabinet picks he covers the history of the Republican in Name Only, a faction which has its roots in the old Eastern Establisment Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller and George Romney. After Goldwater’s win in 1964, the party transitioned to a conservative party among the grassroots.
Big government and internationalist Republicans transformed themselves into “conservatives” who never cut budgets or went after the world government under construction. They steered conservatives away from issues critical to the Fabian socialist project like immigration, protection of American industry and real cutting of the size of government.
The arrival of Donald Trump exposes these people and creates existential conflict between the GOP base which is solidly America First and the corporate apparatus which has tried to maintain the dominance of RINOs in the party.

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