Scott Benett RIP

3 months ago

Army Lieutenant Scott Bennett (Ret) cared very deeply for his country and he knew many of the details about how the United States was being actively subverted by criminals posing as American "leaders" and "patriots". Scott passed away yesterday morning from pancreatic cancer, may he rest in peace.

A former Army Terrorist Financing Officer at US Central Command with a Top Secret SCI Clearance, as well as a former private contractor with Booz Allen Hamilton, Scott acquired information about Swiss bank accounts that directly implicated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama in the formation of the terror group, ISIS.

After the 2020 election, Scott worked with Gen Mike Flynn’s team of experts in SIGINT, cryptology, computer systems to look at both the technological and the "ground game" aspects of the 2020 Election fraud.

Scott explained that the modus operandi of the 2020 Election theft could be divided between two sides: the technological "Cyber Attack" side and the AFL-CIO union worker "Ground Game" side.
The Cyber Attack was exhaustively investigated and described by Mike Lindell, in his film, 'Absolute Proof' and its follow-up, 'Absolute Interference'.

The Ground Game was exhaustively investigated and described a few weeks ago by Patrick Byrne before he fled the US for Dubai, claiming that the Venezuelan government had put a $25 million bounty on his head.

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