Sabbath Message (Audio) for 23/09/47/120 - 23/11/2024

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Sabbath Message (Audio) for 23/09/47/120 - 23/11/2024
Sabbath 23/09/47/120

Dear Friends

Today is the fourth Sabbath of the Ninth Month Chislev or Kislev. Our subject over the next two weeks is the Sons of Keturah (No. 212D). Last Sabbath we studied The Final Antichrist (No. 141C_4B) paper. It is important that that paper is loaded to the various FB and other areas of the Internet. Please do what you can.

Last week we discussed the election of Trump and his mandate to clean up the Deep State and corrupt political system in the US and stop the Globalists. We saw how the people shoved the Democrats to one side and gave Trump a massive mandate to clean it all up. We also discussed how the Deep State are planning to assassinate him and making other political points and behind the scenes plans to subvert Trump’s plans and bring on WWIII before Trump gets into office. Trump has stated he will stop the conflict and is already speaking to Ukraine and Russia and once he is sworn in on Jan 20 it seems that he will actually do that. The Globalists will do all they can to stop Trump’s peace initiatives. To that end Biden was all too smug at the White House visit and he has given Zelensky permission to fire US long range missiles into Russia. Also the RINOs in the GOP and the Senate have moved to stop Trump’s nominee, Scott, from becoming Majority Leader of the Senate and they have elected Thune to subvert what Trump is doing.

The effects of such a move are obvious and the world commentators are now stating the obvious implications of this move. Once Zelensky uses those missiles Putin will see that as an unacceptable threat and initiate a nuclear exchange or accelerate missile exchanges such that a nuclear exchange is commenced. They now have only short a time to commence. Tomorrow is 24 Chislev and the dual prophecy in Haggai could well see the conflict commenced. They have between then and 20 January or 58 days to commence the war and force Trump’s hand.

Biden's MOVE - WWIII On Horizon?
The EU has warned its citizens to stockpile 72 hours of rations in case of war.
See Russian response at ‘Reprehensible’: Aussie fury at Putin threat also
Sweden has issued a booklet preparing its people to survive the coming nuclear War.
Sweden tells 5,000,000 households 'how to survive WWIII' in new war pamphlet

The four Fallen Elohim of the Host are immensely powerful, and they have been released and they have planned this war to kill a third of mankind. (Rev. 9:13-19. During the three plagues of the Sixth Trumpet a third of mankind is killed. The fire and smoke and sulphur issuing from the military forces will kill a third of mankind. The population of Europe will be massively depleted and also that of Russia, China and the US.

The altercations will be so great that the Empire of the Beast will emerge from the conflagration, and it will rule for 42 months. We will see the Witnesses then on the Temple Mount for 1260 days and four days after that Messiah and the Loyal Host will take up positions in Jerusalem.

Two events will then occur. Firstly the First Resurrection (No. 143A) will occur and the Churches of God that have kept the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar that flows from the Law will be resurrected and take their positions as elohim and the Demons will be confined to the pit for a thousand years (see Rev. Chap. 20 F066v).

The Sardis and Laodicean eras that have not repented and moved into Philadelphia around the world will not enter the First Resurrection and if they do not repent then their ministry will be killed and then if they do not repent they will be killed. Only those that repent and join the Body of Christ keeping the Law and the Testimony (Isa. 8:20) will be allowed to enter the Millennium. All other humans will die. By 2041 at the Second Reading of the Law in the 14th year of the 121st jubilee all Europe and the entire world will be in that system keeping the First Century Church doctrines and the Temple Calendar (No. 156). All other religions and places of worship such as Rome and Mecca and London and New York will be completely eliminated along with all who teach and worship there. Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:35).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General.

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