Why We Fight The Battle of Britain

3 months ago

This motion picture film focuses on the British defense against German aerial warfare, August-December, 1940. It emphasizes the courage of the people and the skill of the Royal Air Force (RAF.) Reel 1 explains Adolf Hitler's plan for invading England after gaining air superiority. It shows Hitler in Paris and German troops ready for the invasion, Britons setting up defenses, training for civilian defense and manning machines. Reel 2 shows invasion defense training; citizens greeting Winston Churchill; and German planes bombing British convoys, coastal fortifications and airfields. RAF pilots man planes and down Germans. An English pilot is rescued in the Channel. In Reel 3, industrial cities are bombed but continue production. In September, the attacks are turned to London, to crush the spirit of the people. Children are sent from the city. Reel 4 consists mostly of activities during air raids. Footage shows damage and air raid shelters, scarred London landmarks, and General Hermann Goring. Reel 5 emphasizes the determination of the British people; citizens comment on the raids. English planes bomb a German target. Coventry is flattened in retaliation. Reel 6 records the London bombing on Christmas Eve, causing the largest fire in recorded history. Water is pumped from the Thames.

Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent)
Series: Orientation Films, 1942 - 1949
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985

Production Date: 1943

Other Title(s): Orientation Film, no. 4
Production Series: Title: Why We Fight
Access Restriction(s): Unrestricted

Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov

National Archives Identifier: 36070
Local Identifier: 111-OF-4


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