Heaven on Earth. Bringing the Future into the Now and Activating our Cosmic Human DNA

4 months ago

Brand new course available with Early Bird offer - Heaven on Earth - Activating Our Cosmic Human Selves
Special Early Bird offer only until November 22nd and then standard rate until course starts on November 28th

For personal Sessions With Bella & Davyd
To book your Activating the Grail Within Clearing, Healing and Mayan Empowerment sessions - https://www.quantumplanet.world/activatingthegrail

To ensure you receive the latest news and alerts from QPW and to join the Free QPW Tribe - https://www.quantumplanet.world/groups
Free Live Call to join on Monday 25th November

Chapter #13 - the final instalment of the Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness is now out!
To find out more information on the Navigation Guide To Quantum Consciousness - ‘A Galactic Atlas for New Earth’ -

To join Bella’s Mayan Time and Magic course - https://www.quantumplanet.world/mayantimeandmagic

To access the St Johns Wort & Vervain Plant Essence Transmissions - https://www.quantumplanet.world/planttransmissions

To start the Stellar Nations pathway - https://www.quantumplanet.world/stellar-nations

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