Pub Wisdom - 001 Dan the Journalist

3 months ago

Pub Wisdom is a podcast about all things interesting with interesting people and a few adult beverages involved.

Host: Jason Kiley
CoHost: Dan the Journalist (Irregular Regular)
CoHost: Johnny Pat the HVAC Guy (Irregular Regular)

Music bits From:
Bring Us Pints of Beer · Korpiklaani
Valhalla Calling - Miracle of Sound
Hammered - Hair of the Dog
Beer Beer - Korpiklaani
Man with a Plan - Korpiklaani
Have a Drink on Me - AC/DC
The Tale of Cu Chulainn - Miracle of Sound
I love this Bar - Sammy Hagar
Vodka - Korpiklaani
Shall we take a turn - Korpiklaani
Jaegermeister - Korpiklaani


YouTube: @jtkstudios4168


Pub Wisdom on X

Pub Wisdom 001
Dan & Jason drink some Octoberfest beer and just begin to Riff on some of our favorite subjects

Just another day at the Pub talking about things like
Social Clicks, Dan the Journalist, Social Media, Biased Censorship, Follow the Money,
Big Pharma, The Military Industrial Complex,
Lazy Brains & Brainwashing, Subliminal Advertising,
George Carlin the Socrates of our Time,
Cognative Dissanence, Political Left or Right, Ideologies, Political Power,
Philosphy vs Ideology,
The 1984 Quote Jason Messed Up
"Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult."
George Orwell, 1984
Root Cause Analysis - Socratic Method - First Principals Thinking, Dr Demings,
Always a "They"
Good & Bad Capitalism, Moral Codes, How Much is Too Much?
Disruptive Changes,
The Age of Wisdom, Willful Ignorance, Street Epistomology,
IQ, Intellegence Trap,
The Ancient Greeks, Stoicism vs Anxiety, Perspective

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