Remember December

4 months ago

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Remember December

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
19th of November 2024 09.31

Remember December your world will be changed forever.

The atmosphere in the Spirit realm has already changed. Because I, Your God has everything rearranged.

My glory and power will I give to My warrior bride. She is the only one who has been set aside.

My beautiful bride let Me prepare the wedding with power and glory. You are the one to tell My story.

Let Me beautify you with wealth, power, myrrh and frankincense.

Come into My chambers with praise, thanksgiving and singing.

The Doors and Gates will be wide open.

The highway of holiness that anyone can enter with pure hearts and clean hands.

My warrior bride has clothed herself in Righteousness.

Psalm 24
Isaiah 35:8
Proverbs 13: 21-22

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