Operation Arkansas Little Rock Arkansas

2 months ago

Little Rock High School Negro students arriving at the school. Newspapermen interview an unidentified person. Maj. Gen. Edwin G. Wa1ker, Chief of the US Mil Dist., talking with Col. William A. Kuhn, CO, 1st Airborne Battle Grp, 101st Airborne. The Gen. gets into jeep and 1eaves. Airborne guard arriving at the school. MS, soldier mounts bayonet on rifle. The guard marches off. A few guards with rifles at port arms double time up the street. VS on the grounds of the Little Rock Nat'l Guard Armory where some troops are billeted. A few soldiers stand near tents; men on the chow line. Photographers take pictures of two guards walking past. Two soldiers escort Negro students to station wagon on leaving the school. Soldiers at barricade at entrance to school. White students can be seen entering school. Negro students arrive in Army station wagon, walk twd the school accompanied by a guard. Pan to the front of the school to the entrance flanked by two guards. Continue tilt-up to students waving from windows (unsteady). Contingent of the guard walking up and down steps of the school. Maj. Gen. Walker chatting with Col. Kuhn. Gen. Walker leaves in jeep, Kuhn gets into another vehicle, talks to an officer at the curb. His vehicle leaves followed by several others. Troopers double time up the street. LS, soldiers starting to run along street as if in answer to call. MS, soldier puts bayonet on rifle. CU, soldier reads a paper, The Arkansas Democrat. Soldiers play cards in the grandstand field. Pan shot of the area where the troops are billeted (unsteady). Station wagon with Negro students accompanied by guards in jeeps leaves at end of school day. (This completes their first full week of attending school.) NOTE: Almost all scenes are unsteady; exposures are good.

National Archives Identifier: 27641
Local Identifier: 111-LC-41033

Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. ca. 1974-5/15/1984 (Most Recent)

Series: Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection, 1964 - 1980

Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985

This item was produced or created:9/27/1957

National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540
Email: mopix@nara.gov

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